Well, personally I like the MKV bodystyle.. In fact, I originally wanted a MKV R32, but they're just so god damn expensive. BUT, VWOA even admitted at VW had fallen short on their expectations of quality on the MKV, specifically on the interior. There's nothing that I was aware of, and I was a bit confused when they said that, but apparently they're stepping up their game big-time with the MKVI. The 2.0T makes some great power in such a small chassis but my only complaint that it was a little bit heavier too, which was opposite of what the GTI/Golf has always stood for. The trend of bulky, overweight GTIs started with the MKIV, and it's easy to agree looking at previous generations.
Certainly not a dick measuring contest, I'm an enthusiast for sure, and granted each generation has it's downfalls.. I know what I hate about my MKIV too, so it's nonsense to nit-pick over small things- It always comes down to personal preference in the end.