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Everything posted by Zeppelin

  1. Another thing to remember is that the insurance company has their own 'point' system. Even if the courts didn't give you points on your driving record for both convictions based on O.R.C. standards or the fact that they can only assess points on one conviction out of the same incident, the insurance company may assess 'points' to your premium calculation based on each conviction.
  2. OK, I got this one, and the mockup cuts look good, so now I need a good '98+ Trans Am bumper so I can start the real fab work. Anyone have a nice used '98+ Trans Am front bunmper cover, or know of a salvage yard in the Columbus area that might have one? Thanks
  3. I am modifying a urethane bumper cover. After more research and talking to a couple folks, its going to be better for me to graft bumper material in, instead of using fiberglass. I started a thread in the 'project management' forum about the project. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70304 Hope to keep it updated as things progress.
  4. As a few of you know, I put my vehicle ownership aside last summer, and sold my CTS-V to Ashley, and put in a pool. I'm getting the bug, and hope to have another car, an LS1 Trans Am or Formula by the end of the year, or early next year. A Formula would be OK, since I want to utilize the low rear spoiler and add a Mecham wing, like my last LT1 Formula below had. Until then, I plan to get a custom front bumper cover done as well as a custom WS6 hood done.. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/war_eagle/My-Formula1.gif I want to do something that has not been done to my knowlege, which is saying something since there are so many different variations of the LS1 Trans Am/Formula out there. I have it in my head. We'll see how it materializes. First, I like the solid WS6 hood of the LT1 cars better than the twin nostrils of the LS1 car. So here is one of the mods I intend to attempt with a WS6 hood. I photoshopped this photo since I can't find a manufacturer that makes a hood like this. If anyone can point me to a manufacturer that already makes this style hood, it will save me allot of fabrication time. I also plan to fill the 2 holes in the front bumper cover, right under the WS6 hood. That is photoshopped in the below pic also. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/war_eagle/solid_ws6_hood_idea.jpg Another mod I intend to try and pull off is to cut out the front side marker light area and change that into a larger brake duct. Thanks to Transamatt99 for donating a slightly burnt bumper cover so I could mock up these next pics. Stock Front Marker area http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/war_eagle/stock_frt_marker.jpg Planned modifications-initial cuts made this weekend, with black duct tape added to see how it will look. So far, I like it allot. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/war_eagle/new_frt_brake_duct.jpg Comparison http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/war_eagle/frt_comparison.jpg That is it , so far. If anyone knows of someone with a good used LS1 Trans Am front bumper cover cheap, please PM me. I am going to use this first one for ideas, and to cut pieces out of to weld into the good bumper. I also would like to find a damaged '93-'97 Firebird front bumper cover so I can use the middle section to graft onto the LS1 bumper to cover the center holes under the WS6 hood. I want a '93-'97 bumper cover because it has the firebird emblem as part of the plastic, and I want to utilize that in the design.
  5. I am doing some custom work on a urethane bumper. Is there anything special I need to know about working with fiberglass on urethane? Do I have to get all the paint off the bumper first, or can I work with the glass over the paint as long as it is sanded well first? First time working with fiberglass. Thanks
  6. My daughter is going to be working there as a birthday party hostess. Her 1st job. They have had a couple training parties already. Only a couple minutes from me too. I'll definitely be hanging out there often myself. Be sure to submit your information ahead of time for the car show.
  7. Rule3 opens up in a couple weeks in Pickerington. Sounds like it is going to be a cool place. Beach Volleyball, Bowling, a Wii Room, Game Room, Birthday Parties, Bar, 2 Restaurants, etc. Here's the link: http://www.rule3.com/ Be sure to check out the opening week specials. Here's the car show information: End-O-Summerfest Date: September 6, 2009 Time: 12:00 PM - 8:00 PM What's the best way to say hello to the end of summer? Celebrate with us at the first annual End-O-Summerfest. Enjoy food, activities and prizes as we take a lazy Labor Day weekend and make it spectacular. This event is free to attend and participate (unless you are a competitive cornholer, in which case we will need a $3 registration fee). Car Show - Free entry (limited to 50 cars) and the fan favorite gets a cool grand (that's $1,000). Fans vote from noon to 7:00 pm. To register, send an email to carshow@rule3.com with all contact information, make, model and year, complete biography of your car, as well as a picture of your car. Chili Cookoff - Free entry (limited to 20 contestants) and the fan favorite wins $1,000 plus all the prestige that comes with being the chili on our American Mealtime restaurant menu. Fans can sample and vote from noon to 2:00 pm. Bring at least 2 gallons of your chili (the more you bring, the more votes you can get). Rule 3 will provide electrical outlet, a table and a chair. Register via email by sending your contact information and your recipe to chilicookoff@rule3.com. Rule 3 will confirm your spot once we receive your information and review your recipe. Cornhole Tournament - Where else but Ohio can you get competitive with cornhole? Tournament starts at 2:00 pm. There is only space for 32 teams so register now. Send an email to cornhole@rule3.com with contact information and your teammate's basic contact information. All proceeds from the cornhole, car voting and chili voting go to the Rule 3 Foundation.
  8. There ya go. I just finished watching 'Sicko' last week, one of Michael Moore's documentarys. If you get a chance, spend the 2 hours watching it. It looks at England, Canada, France and Cuba's universal healthcare systems, as well as our current system. One chick pays $120, twice a month, for her inhaler here. The same inhaler(very similar) was 5 cents US when she went to Cuba, saw a physician there, got a prescription, and had it filled. She, BTW, was a volunteer during 911 that developed lung related issues from all the dust at ground zero while she was volunteering, and our government wont cover her healthcare costs. They talk to doctors as well as patients in all 4 countries. It was a real eye opener. Granted, it is steered toward showing how bad our current healthcare system is, but damn, I walked away from it pretty pissed off at how healthcare in the US seems to revolve around capitalism and not what's best for the patient. It is on TMC right now, but I think its available at video stores too. Its done in 2007.
  9. Anyone replaced their '98+ TA front bumper and have the old one laying around? I want to play around with cutting it and modifying it in a few places to see if what I have in my head and have photoshopped is able to be done and look cool. Want to see what it looks like on a junk bumper before I would try it when I find my next project.
  10. Here's the page from the BMV's website. http://bmv.ohio.gov/vehicle_registration/collector_plates.htm From the 'General Information' portion: "In an effort to ensure that all vehicles registered as collector vehicles are truly collectible, the Bureau of Motor Vehicles references the National Automobile Dealers Association and The Complete Book of Collectible Cars 1930-1990 (Consumer Guide) to determine vehicles that are true collector vehicles. Although we recognize that a vehicle may be unique because of time, energy and investment expended by the owner, these publications are used in determining eligibility for collector’s license plates. Due to a administrative ruling, vehicle models not listed in the above publications may be considered collector vehicles if the applicant obtains documentation from the manufacturer that the vehicle was in limited production, is in demand as a collectible vehicle at the time of application or a sizable investment can be proven."
  11. Just want to say THANKS to Rob for taking the time with the car. Found that the timing belt had jumped 3 teeth, and was starting to show a bit of wear, so we replaced it. That fixed the power on takeoff, but the car still wouldn't get up to highway speed. Ended up being that the hood insulation had some play in it. Just enough that it was getting sucked down onto the intake on acceleration and choking the motor. Who would have thought. Anyways, car runs strong (for a 1998 Kia) now. Thanks again to Rob and Gearheadz Automotive.
  12. Well, I pulled it back apart this morning and it looked like the plug right under the front coil pack hadn't been firing. Only thing I can think of is that when I put the coil pack down, I missed the plug. Put it back together and no stuttering, no flashing check engine light, and it got up to 65 on Diley Rd. Yesterday, I couldn't get much over 55 on Rt 70. Still wont go over 4,000 rpms though, and actually slows down when you kick in the passing gear. I'll see ya shortly after 11 Rob. I'm in agreement with you that even though Ricart did the cat recall, it feels like the exhaust might still be clogged or something and bogging the engine. That why I had it taken in to Ricart in the first place. It just feels like something is choking the motor. The intake path is clear. Like you said, it could be one of several other things also. I appreciate everyone's responses. Thanks again.
  13. The timing belt has been replaced, and the cat recall has been done recently, along with the fuel tank and fuel line recalls. The reason I am steering toward the O2 sensor is that it was stuttering before, a litttle, and got worse after I changed the plugs and the oil got into the rear cylinders and went out the exhaust. I'm going to tru to get the code read early tomorrow morning, as the 'check engine' light has started flashing since the plug change.
  14. I checked his site, and didn't see any hours listed anywhere. Is he there on Saturdays do ya know? Thanks for the quick responses, BTW.
  15. Hey guys Hope you can give me ideas. Got my daughter a '98 Kia Sportage for Christmas. Her 1st car. When I test drove it, it seemed a bit starved for power, but I chalked it up to being an older Kia. Shortly after purchase, it started throwing a MAF code, so I replaced the MAF. MAF code still pops up occasionally, but goes away in a couple days and the car doesn't run any worse while the code is being thrown. Something about a 'high MAF reading". About February, it started getting more sluggish and starved for power. It doesn't want to climb over about 4,000 rpms under load. If its in park, it revs, no problem. Its a struggle to get it over 55 on the freeway, unless its a downhill grade, and accelerating in general is a real slow process. When you get on it at all, and the passing gear kicks in, it actually seems to struggle more and bog the motor. Really feels like its choking under acceleration, or lack thereof. Last couple days its even been stuttering on takeoff. Anyways, like I said, I have replaced the MAF. Today I replaced the plugs. Old ones looked good, but replaced them anyway since I had gone to all trouble to get to them. What a PITA. The rear ones both had a puddle of oil around the plugs. Not sure if this is normal. I have not worked on an overhead cam motor before. When I pulled those plugs, of course the oil went down into the cylinders. When I started the car up after the install, it stuttered allot from the oil, but even once it burned off, the stuttering is worse than it was before the plug change. This is leading me to think maybe the O2 sensors are going bad, causing the sluggishness? I think some of the oil probably got on the sensors as it exited the exhaust manifolds and that is what is causing the heavy stuttering now. Plan is to replace the sensors tomorrow (OUCH-$110 ea.) unless you guys think there may be a better avenue to pursue first. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks.
  16. I like the Saleen S-7 in the background of the first pic. Sweet car for sure, even if its not quite as fast. http://www.sportscarcup.com/cars/ssc-ultimate-aero-exposed.jpg
  17. Sorry man. Me and the Gov. arent that tight......... If we were, I would try to finagle my way out of having to take 10 days of unpaid 'cost savings' leave each year for the next 2 years. I haven't heard anything about the logo plates going up, but thats not to say they wont eventually think of that. $10 from the logo plate fee associated with each plate is a BMV 'processing' fee. The rest goes to the organization.
  18. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on this. There will soon be an increase in the cost of a driver license and normal vehicle registration. I think each is going up $5-$15(I am not sure of the exact amount on this one yet). Along with that are the following 'special plate' increases as well. An 'initial' plate, like say '1LE' is going from the current $10 additional annually to $25 additional annually. A 'reserved' plate, like say '1 FST BRD' is going from the current $35 additional annually to $50 additional annually. I'm not exactly sure when the fee increases will take effect, but it will most likely be around June/July when the new fiscal year begins, maybe sooner. I personally am dumping our initial plate when the increase takes effect. I didn't mind the $10, but am not paying $25 extra, on top of some kind of a standard vehicle registration increase.
  19. Excellent quality pics. Definitely looks like a good time.
  20. Thanks for the compliments guys. Ya, thats the truck on W. Columbus St.
  21. Zeppelin


    Be sure to post up pics in a thread.
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