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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. S60R's are sick but good luck finding one for a reasonable price in good condition and low miles. They were my primary target for three months and I never found on worth buying. Check http://www.swedespeed.com for private sales, you'll find the best deals there.
  2. Cool story cousin-fucker sorry if some of us are grown past the douche bag race car shit
  3. http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x118/SuperStretch18/Pics/885e87b3.gif http://i50.tinypic.com/5vzq6o.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0vyzn.gif http://i.imgur.com/Pk1Aj.jpg http://i634.photobucket.com/albums/uu63/willyk007/Teh%20OT/Gu0AH.png http://i.imgur.com/bSwqv.gif
  4. Not Brian


  5. lols. Check the edit, I added some more
  6. I dated a girl exactly like that in high school.. even looks like her. Shit spiraled out of control to the point of me trying to dump her (I tried dumping her previous times but her response was "no, we aren't breaking up"). One time I was serious though, and she said if I broke up with her she'd kill herself. I laughed and said gtfo. After school there was a blood-soaked napkin under my windshield wiper that said "I told you so." I laughed and threw it on the ground.. then I see her in her car like 5 cars down. She peeled out of the spot and drove up yelling at me for laughing. Later on I ended up having a threesome with her and her friend and I started seeing the friend on the side. I took her to Magic Mountain or some shit one night and low and behold girl A was there. She kicked me and punched her, cops got involved, etc. Then I took girl B to a waterfall and had sex with her and her retarded cousin who had some weird deformity where her shoulder was connected to her face. I nailed her doggy style and made faces at her.. she couldn't look back and see me doing it because her head can't turn.
  7. lol just bought a brand new car brb needs detailed
  8. http://www.ridelust.com/wp-content/uploads/katy_perry_mini_cooper_the_blonds-499x374.jpg http://image.internetautoguide.com/f/auto-news/2009-cts-v-beats-m5-e63-new-cadillac-faster-than-bmw-mercedes/10517975+w527+st0/cadillac-cts-v-beats-m5-and-e63-burnout.jpg
  9. According to the tbss forums D3 also has a bad rap for not backing up their numbers. They claim 1001hp but won't take it to the track or show dyno graphs to anybody.
  10. http://www.d3cadillac.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Le-Monstre-by-D3-5.jpg
  11. http://i.imgur.com/yXqBC.gif http://i.imgur.com/rwR7P.gif
  12. Something about babies speaking German gives me the willies.
  13. Yeah I love going up to troubleshoot some old lady's shit and I see a wall of icons overtop some gay ass family pic that is tiled on the desktop.
  14. At first I kept thinking Man I would totally shit my pants around some of those corners.. but then I started wondering about how much traction control they got going on in that thing. Am I wrong, or is this 100% skill? Either way, balls of brass.
  15. I've got a Ruger P92 I'll probably be giving up soon for like $250.. it's big and heavy though.
  16. Another thing to note is the contractors in our shop had to buy their own tools and rolling tool chest(s) which cost them over ten grand each. It was before Youtube got big.. left it on someone's computer and it's gone forever now. It was crappy, probably only funny to us who made it
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