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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  1. http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2280878
  2. http://gifsoup.com/imager.php?id=3142142&t=o
  3. how bad is it that the first thing I thought is how annoyed I'm going to be to see more VT magnets on everyone's car again..
  4. I have a class called OVERTUBE overkill pro, two assault rifles with boob tubes. QUAD TOOBING PWNGE
  5. Newer computers are faster Newer TV's are sharper Newer cars aren't always faster or better looking..
  6. You mean you would buy a modern one. My next fun car is going to be a 4 speed 1969 Camaro. It'll be loud, scary, turn on a mountain of dimes, and probably kill me if I get in any kind of an accident.. but it'll have character. Beauty in simplicity.
  7. be jones buy overpriced car and remind everone on the planet how stupid their cars are compared to his
  8. Read the rest of what I edited in. Even if the turbo 6 is "more reliable" I would hate every trip having to warm up and cool down the turbos. Can't just get in the car and go to the store gotta sit in the garage for a few minutes..
  9. http://gifsforum.com/images/image/op%20is%20gay/grand/today_op_was_a_phaggot.jpg
  10. I'd rather have the V8 but that's me. I can't imagine a twin-turbo car being any more reliable than a non-turbo V8, and less expensive to maintain/fix. I don't know anything about Audis but that's always seemed the case across the board to me.
  11. Wow! I didn't know it gets that cold in Australia (unless it's Celcius then this isn't very funny)
  12. Thought you wanted a weekend warrior, not a metrosexual daily driver
  13. Rogue Spear was awesome back in the day
  14. It was uploaded in June, back when it was posted the first time in the Tsunami video thread
  15. probably didn't need the money back when she was attractive
  16. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/4/20/129162746403828387.jpg
  17. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/3/1/129119587814522001.jpg
  18. http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/13081191/images/1291858531736.jpg
  19. He's lucky a Japanese kid didn't own the car since they know Karate and carry swords
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