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Not Brian

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Everything posted by Not Brian

  2. Copy/pasted from TWD forums More here http://www.walkingdeadforums.com/forum/showthread.php/414-Differences-between-the-comics-and-the-show
  3. http://i250.photobucket.com/albums/gg273/PGM95Z/zombiepeanuts.jpg
  4. I had the same happen with my student loans, except it was me who just said fuck it and ignored them. A few years later I came to my senses, called them, and worked out a payment arrangement. If you pay just the bare minimum for nine good months it's wiped from your credit.
  5. "Del Sol" and "Fun" go together worse than "Prison" and "Making Love"
  6. I could see that wristband going into a drawer to rot after about a week.
  7. Yes, because that is relevant to this thread since I bought a brand new Camaro and retrofit it with old overpriced body panels that don't line up to help band-aid memories of my shitty youth.
  8. Looks great, I love half-inch panel gaps.
  9. This. I was good for about the same amount and Marc wrote a letter saying I was just plain preapproved. I ended up buying a nice short-sale. Being just a single dude with a dog, I do kinda miss the simplicity of my little one-bedroom apartment though
  10. I would hate to only have one single vehicle for year-round abuse. Buy an expensive fun car and an easily replaceable beater. I love plowing through snow in something I don't give a fuck about.
  11. After you find a house make sure you insure it through Grange. Progressive, State Farm, Liberty Mutual, and a few other companies I emailed wanted almost DOUBLE their prices for the same exact coverage. While you're at it insure your vehicles through them.
  12. why does it always spin prematurely while typing those phrases
  13. google says they are good for 60-90 days.
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