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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. It tasted like a regular burger to me when I rode forever to Athens to try that shit
  2. Please do not post if you are not interested. Thanks
  3. I read the title of this thread and just literally laughed my ass off. I hate Grove fuckin Tucky SO MUCH. Seriously, you COULDNT pay me to live there. Literally if you gave me keys to an apartment there and said "stay 6 months free" I would throw them in a pond, you couldnt get me to live in that shit hole down there. I stopped at the Kroger there the other day... shit.. it was WORSE than the "Kroghetto" on campus!!! I went in wearing a GAP hoody and I was probably the best dressed in the whole place. It seemed I was the only one to spoke proper enGrIssh too. Too many ghetto slang terms were flying around with all the little hoodlums working there. I thankfully made it out alive, back into the parking lot where my gas guzzling piece of shit Expedition was the nicest thing in the entire area, standing out like a fuckin Lambo at Easton. And is it just me or does it seem Grove Tucky has an abundance of extremely young parents? As in, just got out of high school and already have children. Its almost as if young poor parents get more government assistance living down there? And I will even go this route... The police there.... hmmm.. I wont put in MY $.02, but I only hear bad things about their slow response times, never taking their own calls and having the county handle some of their shit, and even cutting people lose who dont even have a license... letting them drive away. /rant... Phew..
  4. Ya I wonder whats actually going to be left there though. I mean laptops for 150 bux? Im sure they would all be gone by now seeing that they knew the store was going to be closing... they wouldnt keep a stock pile of electronics around to sell for dirt cheap. I might just head over there later to check it out seeing that I need to stop by the office anyway.
  5. Idiots used the DUMBEST round ever too for that shot.. .22 has a better chance of getting through that vest than a 9 or anything larger.
  6. http://www.broadcaster.com/video/player.php?clip=214 As seen in video... A bunch of loser as kids are playing with guns... They decide to test a body armor vest, BY WEARING IT AND LETTING SOME ONE SHOOT IT. Are. You. Fucking. Kidding.
  7. I completely agree.. Green or Pink.. either or is fine with me!
  8. No link... torrent downloads... we can get at home.. dont think youll find it rite this moment tho
  9. I had 3 QTP cutouts before. They break often because.... They use vending machine motors for the butterfly valve on the device. I talked to the guy on the phone about it once for almost a good hour.
  10. I know Josh yes. Hes been a friend of mine since 2001. Great to deal with =) I always work on my own stuff, but he is the absolute ONLY person I would ever trust with my bike.
  11. My desktop is on 24/7 but I do put my laptop in Hibernate when I transport it from place to place (for obvious battery reasons)
  12. As long as they patch those fuckers up before bike season.. I wont complain
  13. action slow rite now because winter sux
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