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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. dragknee66

    WTB Laptop

    rite now you can get a brand new dell inspiron 2200 for $500 bux after then $100 dollar rebate. cant go wrong there
  2. Looks just like your other dyno numbers... niiice
  3. interesting.. ya im going to have to do some research on this
  4. When I see a nice little GPS confirmed stock bike with a timing adjustment hitting 211mph.... I will kiss the bottom of my race boots and take a picture for all. You fellas need to learn to decipher from ACTUAL mph and INDICATED mph.
  5. Thats the funniest crap Ive heard in my entire life. Million dollar motoGP bikes JUST REACH 200mph.. And I quote.. ""The award adds an extra incentive to what is an already supercharged event this weekend at Mugello, traditionally one of the fastest circuits on the MotoGP calendar. In fact, the current top speed in MotoGP was set at the Italian circuit last year, when Tohru Ukawa clocked 324.519km/h on his Honda RC211V during the final qualifying session."" 324.519km = 201mph News flash... your bike doesnt come near 200mph. More like 170 actual mph... maybe if you had -4 teeth in the rear and about another 100hp, you might get close in the 200s. I just dont think you have something close to an RC211v... V5 (yes 5 cycl) 220 horsepower monster that weighs just 319 pounds. http://www.bikersweb.co.uk/New%20bikes/honda2001/01TMS2-0552.gif http://www.bikersweb.co.uk/New%20bikes/honda2001/01TMS2-062.gif http://motorcyclistonline.com/images/RC211V_left_profile_zoom.jpg
  6. dragknee66


    that was hard to read, let alone understand hah
  7. Im good with board hacks.. if you need help with the database files.. I can hack them for you and you could upload them.
  8. dragknee66

    Old school names

    BIG FONNNTTT!!:grin2: I like the new board.
  9. And do this one! UPDATE User SET UserName = 'dragknee66' WHERE UserName = 'black99gt' !!!!
  10. just checking. UBB is the freaking SUCK.. Im so glad that shitty forum is gone hah
  11. Do you guys have experience with hacking boards? just asking..
  12. http://www.vbulletin.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-66602.html CHANGE USERNAME VIA USERCP Yes..... got to have this hack pretttttttttttttttty please......
  13. dragknee66

    Old school names

    Ya.. I need my screen name back too
  14. dragknee66

    Kinda weird

    Its about time we get a nice forum!! woo!!
  15. yup, body found in a car. Morning traffic is the suck
  16. Nope as long as its "safe" so there isnt little Rupps running around tongue.gif
  17. Thats not something you should admit to natasha
  18. In my grabbing reach there will be nearly 100 cans of beer and an arsonal of liquor. Beer.. Bikes... and Bitches!!!!!!!!! WOOOO!
  19. MID OHIO WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X11tybillion Nope, Im not excited or anything
  20. hmm its at home.. i wont be back home till 11pm.. i will post model number then.
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