dont worry fellas.. this is just QWK90GT trying to make a friend that has more of a chance beating a bike in general compaired to him in his little car.
Im FOR SURE not a sheperd hater... but that bike vs that car from a roll = sheps car OWNED
250hp is just the raw begining of turbo busa power. A turbo 04 R1 puts down 252hp
I couldnt imagine racing a 500 rear wheel hp motorcycle of ANY sort.
You can get a 128mb stick for $11 new and free shipping smile.gif
Youde be lucky to get some one to buy you chicken nuggets for a 64meg stick these days
Ide say 1 out of 10 people might have something nice to say about Richart. Yet.. people still go there.
My coworker just paid $500 dollars for a tune up there 2 weeks ago, and her car is still messed up.
yup. I think its valid, its been on various news websites and such.
I sent WNCI a working link yesterday morning after some of the ones they used were closed hah