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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. still waiting on pics.. my brother needs a car.
  2. the 1hp mustang.. aka.. 1 human powered flinstones ride with no motor smile.gif
  3. It will happen when.... Amy has a running car!! So in other words, they wont be racing anytime soon
  4. Me and Rigsby were too busy partying with hot girls last night to bother comming on the "internet"
  5. post pics here i need them too smile.gif
  6. dont worry fellas.. this is just QWK90GT trying to make a friend that has more of a chance beating a bike in general compaired to him in his little car.
  7. Ronnie is a huge mutha f'er! Im going sunday
  8. Im up for an acceleration run with a non juiced or non turbo'ed busa.
  9. Im up for an acceleration run with a non juiced or non turbo'ed busa.
  10. just dont kill yourself this summer doing that stunta' stuff and she can enjoy you longer
  11. If he can weld.. bring it over, you can use my welder.
  12. Im FOR SURE not a sheperd hater... but that bike vs that car from a roll = sheps car OWNED 250hp is just the raw begining of turbo busa power. A turbo 04 R1 puts down 252hp I couldnt imagine racing a 500 rear wheel hp motorcycle of ANY sort.
  13. paper weight is a good idea actually hah smile.gif
  14. You can get a 128mb stick for $11 new and free shipping smile.gif Youde be lucky to get some one to buy you chicken nuggets for a 64meg stick these days
  15. Ide say 1 out of 10 people might have something nice to say about Richart. Yet.. people still go there. My coworker just paid $500 dollars for a tune up there 2 weeks ago, and her car is still messed up.
  16. I will call you sometime today yes.
  17. Hell ill even give you the engine I pulled out with the spun bearing. Has 2 complete good heads, lower intake manifold and all.
  18. Its just your lucky day.... Im selling my twin turbo stealth for 4k.
  19. ya I love the red X's too.. naughty
  20. HAHAHHA!! that made me laugh outloud
  21. They teach this in driving school smile.gif
  22. yup. I think its valid, its been on various news websites and such. I sent WNCI a working link yesterday morning after some of the ones they used were closed hah
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