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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. dragknee66

    Pool Halls!!

    Im a fan of cushions myself
  2. YA DONT SAY!!!!!!!!!!! tongue.gif
  3. damn I wonder how many MPG it gets tho, hmmm
  4. Injectors for sale still?
  5. who puts thread lock on ANY of these bolts? certainly not me
  6. shit lol sounds like the time we had to break lose the crank bolt on my friends 91 AWD talon. Took like 6feet of breaker bar/pole and 2 guys jumping on it!
  7. with the motor out of the car.. I have no way of holding the flywheel still so I can break it loose I have the 1/2 and a large breaker bar, and lots of muscles to break it Just cant hold the damned flywheel. I'll ghetto rig it if I must to break it loose.
  8. Polaris area! That impact would help out a bunch actually. PM me!
  9. Doing the swap on my TT, my earthquake 625lb impact just isnt cutting it. Need to remove the main crank pulley bolt on both my engines. If anyone has a really nice impact theyde be willing to bring over for a total of 5mins to help me out, it'll be worth beer or some food (yup, i have an air compressor) Thanks
  10. I think he'd know better to roll out an older ZX7 against "anything" including other 2 wheelers smile.gif
  11. Ya.. PS Sprint fu(king sucks for text messaging.. Im getting tired of logging onto their slow ass, broke half the time, pathetic excuse for "web" just to download my damned text message.. Im about to change companys just to get a text service that isnt retarted
  12. Get in car.. start.. take off 30seconds later. My milage has gone down 3mpg in the Altima. I use to average 29mpg every fillup.. its down to about 26mpg now.. suckage.
  13. hah! if I had to watch that at work here I dont think I could keep a straight face
  14. http://www.space.com/images/v_mars_banyon_02.jpg There are many topics.... http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=GGLD,GGLD:2004-44,GGLD:en&q=trees+mars
  15. http://www.msss.com/moc_gallery/e07_e12/images/E07/E0701717.html Now believe there may be trees on planet mars.. graemlins/wtf.gif
  16. I use to live on on West Northwood.. And parked my bike outside in the bike for 8 full months.. not once did any mess with it that Ive noticed. Risky YES, but I wanted to have my bike. You just have to live on the better part of campus I suppose
  17. Thats a fact... Actually here is the ownage that we saw when we pulled it apart graemlins/eek2.gif http://www.jlipp.com/temp/jaybike.jpg [ 02. January 2005, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Formulate ]
  18. We had to fix his R6 tho.. we believe whoever jetted the bike jetted it incorrectly resulting in a total cyclinder wall disaster. Got a used bottem end off eBay... purrs like a kitten now.
  19. I cant let my baby get cold! Thats my roomates R6 yes.. Thats Rigsby's old bike actually. PS... Amy says "Hi Chris", wait till Dan reads this thread graemlins/eek2.gif ... graemlins/grin2.gif
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