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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. hahhaa Its funny listening to you 2 bicker! School closings.. already.. WEAKSAUCE. Geesh.
  2. You can probably get a barrel at least still.. MAYBEEEE
  3. Hah thats funny. I know what you mean though
  4. I ordered a larue handguard.. if you have a contact down there lemme know. I couldnt even push the "its a part for law enforcement" they are so behind. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  5. dragknee66

    AR Parts

    I hate you schmucks that decided to wait until "change" was voted into office to buy your stuff all at one time. I cant even get a g*d d*mn handguard for my AR because you schmucks are taking parts! All to be safe queens too! I cant even get a part Ill use all the time! Stop buying shit /rant
  6. Larue grip.. comes with all 3 bottom caps. FTW http://www.laruetactical.com/pics/FUG/FUG_Thumbnail__3.JPG
  7. Larue ftw. Mine should be here today or tomorrow too!
  8. digital cable, dvr setup, hd channels, 22mb/1mb turbo package, no phone TW service $109 month
  9. HAH! A case for worlds dumbest criminals!!!!
  10. That was probably my fav movie of 08 really.
  11. ^ exactly.. were not gonna see shhiittt!
  12. 17hmr FTW Its like a 22 on crack! Probably the best little rifle I own for sure !
  13. Someone spent some time on that for sure
  14. It looks like Cleveland is setting all the snow for sure. IT DOESNT SNOW HERE IN COLUMBUS!
  15. Gdamn rite. In Cleveland it would be like "THANK GOD WERE ONLY GETTING 3-5 TONIGHT!!!" In Columbus its like "CAUTION:DANGER:DANGER:OMG:OMG: 3-5" EVERYONE STAY INDOORS, STATE OF EMERGENCY" Pffffft.
  16. WTF is with that crap? It IS sad knowing that some cases like this are sent to trial and completely WASTE time and other cases 10x worse slide rite through the cracks. Justice system fucking blows sometimes.
  17. wrap it with a towel and play it yes. KilllT
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