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Everything posted by Orion

  1. What you did there....I see it. Also, i mostly agree with this. :-)
  2. INB4 Otis/Mitch with "You should just put up a sign. "No Birds Allowed"".
  3. Orion


    Mind blowing. I think Jarmo and Torts are safe. Honestly, I think just about every team in the world is hitting up Torts' agent like, "Uh, ya'll got any more of that intermission speech?"
  4. Otis: CR's ugly version of Kim Kardashian, with less money.
  5. It's cute that you think that. You literally have a podcast that is put online weekly, and your own forging youtube channel, along with having been on an episode of a TV show as one of the main "characters" (like, not an extra). Everyone else on here that can claim those three things, raise your hand. Your life is more "online" than the majority of the folks on CR, bruh. Me being able to pick your kids out of a lineup has less to do with me being able to discern what they look like, and more to do with me not caring to know what ANYONE'S kids look like.
  6. This whole thing is so stupid in all of the best possible ways. JP is the "mad genius" of CR.
  7. Be Otis, put your life online, claim you don't put your life online. :lolguy:
  8. I love you, Clay. Clay pretty much wins the thread with that, mostly on the basis that it is coming from someone who actually voted for the man.
  9. The very definition of "First world Problems".
  10. ROFL. I would pay a plugged nickel to see this race. My money is on Otis, but only if the race is downhill.
  11. You shut your whore mouth, console plebe!
  12. I am actively marketing this thing for you. This is a steal at that price. Had I not just upgraded, I would buy it myself. CR, Y U NO BUY AMAZING PC?!?!?
  13. Orion

    10 Years

    If memory serves correctly, 10 years ago today we lost a true CR OG, and a damn good guy. During your St. Patricks day joviality, try and remember to pour a little out for Kenny today, CR.
  14. 3.19% on my 18 year old Benzo. Thought about paying cash, but decided to pay off CC's instead.
  15. I just want to point out that I mentioned a GTO pages ago.... Y U NO LIKE GTO?
  16. I spent two years parking next to a McLaren in Houston. That was fairly sweet. MOST exotic may have been Salma Hayek in "Dusk till Dawn".
  17. Best of luck to you, sir.
  18. GTO CTSV V8 Mustang FRS/BRZ E55 I'm for any on that list. Any of those is better than the RX8. Another option, if you want AWD, is a used WRX.
  19. If you highlight the post and hit Alt+F4, it will leave positive feedback for the user on this board.
  20. I don't believe I ever met her, but this is a sad day nonetheless. :-( EDIT: Also this.
  21. TIL: CR hasn't changed much, if at all, in the last 15 years.
  22. Thats clean in there. Look at that tiny little mobo! GLWS, homie.
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