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Everything posted by Orion

  1. i have freinds that live in shawnee.
  2. spend some money on the driver. autocross it, or open lap it. hell, even some strip time will make you faster and more confident driving your vehicle. its almost always cheaper to make a driver faster than it is to make a car faster. and, its a mod you can take into your next car, especially if its a fast one. oh, and since its a mustang, you may want to try some enzyte, too. tongue.gif
  3. Orion


    which goes to show that even through a two year absence, you have learned absolutely nothing.
  4. really!!?!?! SWEET! did you get to meet either of the davids? uh, yeah, post jack. pm or something, homie. good to know someones know the guys.
  5. wierd phenomena... something ive been interestied in since i was a kid. a really freaky happeneing, when the devil walked in devon. devils footprints.
  6. if any of you actualy watch the super stock class, my cousin david watson is racing. name of the car is dr watson, and the shop is wrp (watson ruppell performance) he running a 69 camaro 282, best run is a 9.41, and he holds the world record for his class in the 1/8. tell him jerrad sent you if you want to roll into his pit area, hes a real cool guy.
  7. i actually went to fort hayes, and i have a few stories of kinda wierd going ons. if you like, i can share a few of them.
  8. wow, that was amazing. oh, and that was a cool song, too.
  9. so, uh, if i start talking politics, will someone please lock this nonsense? im from roundtown, i thought it was funny. [ 09. June 2004, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Orion ]
  10. sheesh, were not allowed to talk politics on this site anymore (ghey) so i cant try to explain to you why these things happen, but trust me, there ARE more reasons for that than what that article depicts.
  11. so, heres how my mom did it... for one month, every time you smoke, keep the butt and put it into a jar that has a screw on lid, like a masons jar. at the end of the month, quit cold turkey. take that jar with you, and whenever you feel like smoking, open up that jar and take a long sniff. trust me, after about a week, the urges will leave you. graemlins/puke.gif
  12. Orion

    Worst Show on TV??

    anything that boasts of being a "reality show" should be cancelled, and all who are involved interred in siberian death camps.
  13. true, true. gas got pretty cheap there, for a while.
  14. uh, can you use that in a sentence, please?
  15. Orion

    Help name my new dog

    toejam. bowser. chris green. all good dog names. graemlins/thumb.gif
  16. damn, that was crazy. those things are huge!
  17. wow. both of those are very cool. graemlins/thumb.gif really though, cr would be better represented by strong sad getting made fun of by strong bad, and then sat on by strong mad, followed by a bunch of other people standing around in a parking lot laughing and telling lies. graemlins/gay.gif
  18. Orion

    The Hospital

    kinda eerie. good find.
  19. Orion

    AAA Members

    werd to da max.
  20. Orion

    poe poe

    the john kerry comments = comedy gold!!
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