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Everything posted by Orion

  1. says the guy with 22 posts. spotted threads are ghey, period. unless its some kind of exotic, or has some sort of redeeming quality to it and there are pics.
  2. damn, i didnt know you were related to sammy davis junior?!?!?
  3. Orion

    Z06 beat by WRX

    wow, thst a quick wrx. and an owner who doesnt give a damn about his clutch. launching from redline = yowza.
  4. hes wise to have been hiding, look at all the drama he was able to avoid.
  5. you know, the board would actually be an interesting place if every senior member, throughout his life on cr, had the privilige to ban one member. people might be a bit nicer to each other.
  6. is this the end for our intrepid board and its members? has cr finally gone old yeller on us, and reached the point where the only solution is at the end of a shotgun? will the joker finally trump batman? tune in next week kids, for our thrilling conclusion. same bat-time, same bat-channel! graemlins/nonono.gif what this place needs is a military coup-de-etat.
  7. is there a reason were talking about this car?
  8. all that work, and stock brakes? methinks someone is a poseur. lets hope im wrong
  9. oh, the irony!!! but true, nonetheless.
  10. sup man, what stage you runnin on your 02?
  11. nice looking car, kinda wondering why any scooby owner would go to vivid, though.
  12. didnt they also go from rating gross hp to net hp about that time? before you give me the graemlins/wtf.gif face, gross hp is hp made by the engine with nothing else going on. just the straigbht engine running. net is the hp made when all the belts are attatched, and the alternator is being spun, etc, etc.
  13. you could use a pic of my ride for the bling part.
  14. i actually dig the new look, and i really feel that we need to do something to make the new logo match the board. i vote keep it like this.
  15. but not nearly as often as you! (double posting biznatch. )
  16. Orion

    Turbo'd 3.1ltr

    wow, the tech section is fun.
  17. same price range? what you just posted has them list as 1500 dollars different. id take the less expensive one, my man.
  18. well, one of the few cars i have any experience with on that list is the turbocharged rotary. got apex seals?
  19. actually, i dont think they do, as long as they broadcast the site of the trap over the radio. dont rule it out, though, there are a lot of accidents there as well.
  20. southbound on hamilton, just before the 70 bridge. cops tend to sit off to the right of the road, completely blacked out. ive only seen it late in the evenings (10 pm or later) but ive passed 'em 3 time in the last 2 weeks. careful folks.
  21. which engine do you have? the 6 or the 8?
  22. damn, as soon as i read the first post, i knew this would end up needing to be in the flame room. lol. you guys are classic. hottie is probably beating the hell out of nocab with some pliers and a blowtorch right now for postin this stuff.
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