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Everything posted by Orion

  1. pwned. graemlins/popcorn.gif
  2. one other thing to consider is that america gets no oil form iraq.
  3. only solace i can give is this. the good times. they were really good, werent they? i mean, in three years, im sure you had some times that were some of the best times of your life. well, think about it. if you can have that much fun, with the wrong girl, then think about how much fun itll be with the right girl. helped me through some dark days.
  4. stimpy, you may or may not know all the details about that story, but if you dont, then you should really check it out before you drag someones name through the mud. besides this one issue, ive have heard nothing but wonderful things about henslers work. disclaimer: i have no personal stake in this, one way or the other. i just dont like seeing local businesses get badmouthed by people who dont relly know what theyre talking about.
  5. Orion


    dude. its a band full of men, named the violent femmes. if you cant find the gay reference, then i imagine "highlights for children" was just outside the scope of your reasoning ability as well. whats lost in this is that ranes rant went completely unrebuked. you guys must be slippin.
  6. means mike williams from usc is going to have issues as well.
  7. Orion

    I'm a celebrity!

    intelligence is a rare commodity.
  8. Orion


    BWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!! comedy gold.
  9. Orion


    wives. is that what theyre calling them now? i thought the proper term was "partners".
  10. Orion

    IQ Tests

    funny is irrelevant if one is speaking the truth.
  11. Orion

    IQ Tests

    actually, no, i wouldnt. STANDARDIZED IDIOT REPLY FORM (tproc edition - v3.2) Directed to: venomss You are a: (check all that apply) [ ] Clueless Newbie [ ] Lamer [X] Flamer [X] Loser [ ] Spammer [ ] Troll [ ] Warez Monkey [X] Me too'er [ ] Pervert [ ] Geek [ ] Freak [ ] Nerd [ ] Elvis [ ] Racist [ ] Fed [ ] Fundamentalist [ ] Satanist [ ] Homophobe [X] Twit [ ] Boner [ ] Retard [ ] Waste of Skin [ ] Crybaby [X] "Expert" [X] Unbearably self-righteous person [ ] Llama Your post was: (check all that apply) [ ] Lame [ ] Stupid [ ] Abusive [ ] Clueless [ ] Idiotic [ ] Brain-damaged [ ] Imbecelic [X] Arrogant [X] Malevolent [ ] Contemptible [ ] Libelous [X] Ignorant [ ] Fundamentalist [X] Boring [ ] Dim [ ] Cowardly [ ] Deceitful [ ] Demented [ ] Self-righteous [ ] Crazy [ ] Retarded [ ] Weird [ ] Hypocritical [ ] Loathsome [ ] Satanic [ ] Despicable [ ] Belligerant [ ] Mind-numbng [ ] Maladroit [X] Much longer than any thought of which you are capable Your attention is drawn to the fact that: (check all that apply) [ ] You posted what should have been e-mailed or private-messaged [ ] You self-righteously impose your religious beliefs on others [ ] You self-righteously impose your racial beliefs on others [ ] You posted something totally uninteresting [ ] You flamed the Standardized Idiot Reply Form [X] I don't like your tone of voice [X] What you posted has been done before [X] Not only that, it was also done better the last time [ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply [ ] You bumped an aged topic which should not have been [ ] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand [ ] You started a long, stupid thread [ ] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread [ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it [ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message [X] You posted low-IQ flamebait [ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll [ ] You said "me too" to something [ ] You made no sense [ ] You must have spent your life in a skinner box to be this clueless [ ] You posted in ELitE CaPitALs to look k00wL [ ] You posted a message in ALL CAPS [X] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet [ ] You are a loser [X] This has been pointed out to you before [ ] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed on general principles It is recommended that you: (check all that apply) [X] Get a clue [X] Get a life [ ] Go away [ ] Grow up [X] Never post again [ ] Have your medicine adjusted [X] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor [ ] Find a volcano and throw yourself in [ ] Get a gun and shoot yourself [ ] Actually post something relevant [ ] Read the FAQ [ ] Consume excrement [ ] Consume excrement and thus expire [ ] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea of what you are doing In closing, i'd like to say: (check all that apply) [ ] You need to seek psychiatric help [X] Take your gibberish somewhere else [X] *plonk* [ ] Most of the above [ ] All of the above [ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above [ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form
  12. Orion


    couple of things. i dont "need" a good reason for thinking a band sucks. and ask yourself, do you know what it means to say something "tongue in cheek"? the violent femmes are all gay. therefore, the band is gay, and so is the music. i love elton johns music, but its gay too. c'mon guys, the jokes no fun if i have to explain it. anyways, i guess i cant expect much in the way of subtelty from three guys with "pee" in their screen names.
  13. Orion

    Check this out

    howerd stern has been doing it for years.
  14. Orion

    IQ Tests

    gangstah. venomss, take your ball and go home.
  15. Orion

    back form the dead

    looks like you didnt take any english lessons while you were dead.
  16. Orion


    well, thanks for permission. didnt know it was you that was keeping me from talking shit all this time. btw, i dont think ive ever heard anything as gay as "blister in the sun".
  17. Orion


    dude, i thought this was supposed to be important. good luck giving that ticket away, youd have to pay me to watch the violent femmes.
  18. Orion

    IQ Tests

    no doubt, with you and mark in the garage, it was me coming up with all the good ideas. wierd, huh?
  19. im listening. really. ever get the feeling no one was listening to you?
  20. yeah, second this. this game is the shit. and, it allows you to keep wailing on dudes after their knees buckle. makes the rag doll physics applied to knockdowns even more authentic. "son, whyd you keep hitting that man?" "sir, he was still standing up!"
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