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Everything posted by Orion

  1. I am excite. I missed the boat on the original homeworld, looking forward to playing it for the first time.
  2. This man can be bought. He isn't cheap, but he IS for sale. :lolguy:
  3. Wags: Better author than J.K. Rowling.
  4. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking it. I was cool until no fourth wheel, then I was :no: DOC, HAVE 4 WHEELS?
  5. In my case, it isn't as simple as filing for income from one employer each year. I collect royalties from NG interests, a significant portion of my income is bonus/incentive based, I have investments in both commodities and stocks that I may or may not have taken money out of each year.... It can get pretty complicated. Not to mention write offs, charitable deductions, medical/interest payments, etc. It is totally worth the <$200 for me to let someone who is an expert handle that for me.
  6. Parkers Tax Accounting in Gahanna. Been doing mine for a long time, very good rates. Tell them you were referred by DJ Bass.
  7. I do the same as above with my PNC virtual wallet account. No PNC's in texas, and yet, I have no issues.
  8. You wouldn't happen to be a black dude, would ya?
  9. I needed a new copy of Win7. I think I just figured out where to get it. Thank you sir.
  10. Correct...with, literally, tens of thousands of dollars in a bag. The story is that some guy in a truck was road raging on him (I'm sure Jack earned that with his driving, TBH), and Jack thought the dude was after the cash, and took no chances. I'm not a Jack apologist, but I can understand how a person in that situation might think their life was possibly in danger.
  11. LOL, yes he did. And it was awesome. ^ Slightly less ridiculous than Alex Rodriguez's handwritten apology (But its damn close). ^
  12. http://www.cookingpanda.com/simplerecipes/how-to-make-mountain-dew-cupcake/ You're welcome.
  13. If the SEC gets trolled by Fat Bert Beliema, then no team from that conference deserves to be in the top 4. That dude is the king of douches. I think Auburn could be scary good. That class they just signed was pretty sick. Some of those kids are going to play, and be impactful, like right now.
  14. So, Bama is STILL going to win the SEC, eh?
  15. Urban is probably steaming about this BS.
  16. :no: Really? Man, that sucks...I loved that show. I always thought they had good chemistry. Fuck man. Also, that redhead would GET IT.
  17. I want to post the specs of my build and flex nuts on this thread, but I can't remember some of the stuff, honestly. RampageIV Black Edition mobo i7 somethingorother. It's a good one, I do know that. 2x780Ti 16GB Corsair RAM, probably dominator 2x1tb Seagate HDD Corsair 120GB SSD (Windows drive) Samsung 250GB SSD (Origin drive) Samsung 500gb SSD (Steam drive) Qnix 1650x1440 27" monitor Corsair Carbide case. Can't remember the number, looks like a Borg Cube. Love it.
  18. Saw that on The Chive. Had me laughing my ass off in the office restroom.
  19. Dose driver issues, doe.... Honestly, I'll never own another Radeon card...at least until something happens with their drivers. Nothing but nightmares with them. Much happier with my 2x780Ti setup than I was with my 2x290x setup.
  20. Oh come on now...surely you didn't think you were the only person in this thread that could troll? :gabe: We know Bama is stacked. But it is a "what have you done for me lately?" business, my friend. And OSU looks pretty good viewed through that filter.
  21. So, what you are saying is, they are pretty fucking good... ...until they get to Alabama. :dumb:
  22. How many of them played in this years NCG?:masturboy:
  23. This thread inspired me to look up the proper spelling of the word "Truly". I am "truly" grateful.
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