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Everything posted by Orion

  1. Argh...c'mon, man. For a whole bunch of reasons, I hope this is unsubstantiated.
  2. Orion

    New guy

  3. Trust me, he's not nearly as weird as most Bama fans.
  4. Urban doing Urban things. What a beast.
  5. Anyone hearing anything about who is trending to be the starting QB? I get the feeling that might be the best kept secret since roswell....
  6. Your profile says you are 38. The years...have not been kind.
  7. Just laughing at your "math-ing" skills. I kinda get a kick out of clowning folk. It's my "thing". Sort of like thinking you are right about everything is your "thing". You'll often see me bumping around threads, making fun of the silly things some folks say. Come visit the ChatBox sometime, and you'll see it even more.
  8. http://archive.freep.com/article/20140417/FEATURES01/304170139/adultery-illegal-21-states http://style.omgfacts.com/lists/7555/Adultery-is-illegal-in-23-states-ab735-0 http://www.theweek.co.uk/62723/adultery-laws-where-is-cheating-still-illegal http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2015/03/south-korea-adultery-law-repeal/386603/ My sources (actually, that's just the first 5 results of a google search for "in how many states is adultery illegal?"). Care to show me yours? Also, I think it's important (since you are into legal stuff) that we define exactly what we are speaking of here, so here's this. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/adultery
  9. In 21 states, adultery is a crime (some sources I checked said 23, but it's the internet). In related news, in 50 states, 21 is less than half of 50, which makes is decidedly less than "most".
  10. My mother beat cancer 7 times, bro. It's not a death sentence, just a call to arms. I'll be thinking good thoughts for you, my man.
  11. Very strong El Nino event this year. Get used to it, fellas.
  12. Orion

    PC Gamepad

    I use an xbox pc controller, works like a charm.
  13. YES. Fucking thank you, Ford.
  14. Mmmmm....dash broads.....:megusta: http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/7497130/600full-stacey-dash.jpg
  15. Oh myyyy..... EDIT: This is legitimately my favorite part of the article "Every Focus RS will shunt its output through a six-speed manual transmission and onto a new all-wheel-drive system..." Thank you, Ford, for not fucking this up and making this auto/DSG only. Do we have any idea what this is going to cost?
  16. True, but far superior to any of Volkswagons comparable offerings.
  17. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, in the defense of Saab, I humbly submit the following; Saab JAS 39 Gripen
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