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Everything posted by Sam1647545489

  1. Sam1647545489


    Are you gonna stab me in the face?
  2. Sadoctopus is sad.... Seriously thought shit is looking good. I cant wait to see it running. I am actually sitting here hard waiting for it to run. SERIOUSLY....
  3. Sam1647545489


    Will I will be calling you tomorrow. I got a trans I need to talk to you about possibly rebuilding. Not the T5.
  4. I thought this was the only way it is possible.
  5. I would rather just sell the whole thing as one. Wont make dick on each game.
  6. 20gb hard drive and I dunno about HDMI port. It says cable sold separate so I would assume it does.
  7. I never play this thing so I have really no need to keep it. Its not modded or anything, just a regular Xbox 360 with 3 wireless remotes and one corded one that still works except for the control pad on it. I have fifa 08, COD 4 & 5, rainbow six and a demo of Grid racing. I dunno what it is worth, shoot me a fair price and we will go from there. I am thinking 300$ for it all??????? Tell me if that is fair for this stuff.
  8. You can if you do the work yourself. Having it built, no way.
  9. Fuck if i didnt have to pay so much in fucking taxes this year I would be down there. Gonna try to get the auto in the bimmer and see if I cant catch them guys later on in the season.
  10. Friday the 13th + cold weather + no racing + standing around pointlessly = me not being there.
  11. You should buy a crotch rocket..
  12. Sorry for the wrong section post. Thanks for the responses, Dave I will get with you.
  13. The rear tires on the car have the top of them pointed in. I need to get the camber fixed so they are straight up and down. I only got the inside 4 inches touching the road. Who can fix this for me. I will also need some tires dismounted off some wheels and new ones put on the wheels, and balanced.
  14. I will take the under on that bet.
  15. I vacuumed my carpet in the car. No pics.
  16. Even though I do like bikes, I think making a car just as fast is more of a bigger accomplishment. But racing bikes has gotten me away from cars alot more as it is just as fun. Its also alot cheaper to go really fast on a bike, (obviously) Hell I have seen people take a bone stock zx14 with a pipe and power commander in the 9.0 range.
  17. Sam1647545489


    Jesus it has been so long I forgot about that thread.
  18. Sam1647545489


    Did you guys ban this guy? If not I will give him 2 and the break at any track with my 146ci junk yard 2.4L motor car. And I got 15k cash right here waiting for the race. Let me know. http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t214/ls2sam/15k.jpg http://i161.photobucket.com/albums/t214/ls2sam/P8080020.jpg
  19. Sam1647545489


    Link to annoyingness?
  20. I put 5 gallons of gas in the car last night.
  21. dave, go ahead and sell the motor. How many miles on the trans. Any noises or anything out of it.
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