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Everything posted by Sam1647545489

  1. Pm me a pic of what you got. I got a few sponsors this year so i wanna see how its all coming together.
  2. I am taking a life insurance plan out on you as we speak.
  3. https://www.oplates.com/NameLookup/PlateLookupWizard3.asp?ID=XELKVIOQZQOEAJGJZAPHHGKQFWRNFFEKDQKYTHLJCNULGOGUEB
  4. They dont horse around at that zoo.
  5. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hPuWsxeAFKA/RvoFs6HAW7I/AAAAAAAAATI/EA4cwna5RHI/s400/deer%2Bin%2Bheadlights.JPG
  6. LOL no you sicko and pull your pants back up.
  7. I remember seeing that. Are they actually doin this as a head swap now?
  8. They take drugs. They look like a deer in headlights.
  9. Dem bitches are hit and psyco looking.
  10. Haha, nah but she is well known for another reason. Nothing in a sexual way. I wouldnt go anywhere public with a stripper unless it was another strip club. Those bitches are nuts outside of the club. And since when does strippers hang out with their families.
  11. I like how you are gonna autocross a car when you cant even drive a car in a straight line good. I wanna watch you autocross so I can make a america's funniest home video to win me 100k$
  12. Got plenty of them, not goin to post on here just due to I know some people on here will know her and prolly make some sort of big deal about it.
  13. And page 2 to keep up with Andrew posted in another thread about every thread with my name in it goes to at least 2 pages.
  14. I wiped my lips after the thumbs up. It was like 5 secs afterwards, why was the camera on me so long. DAMN IT.....
  15. Haha, no she is of age. Her parents got the tickets and had extra and asked if we wanted to go with them. So I went, 1 game I goto and this happens. So many people called me and texted me. It was rediculous. I am not mad though, I am proud to say I am kissing her.
  16. Haha, I didnt think the camera was still on me and she had just greased her lips up with lip gloss shit. It was all over my mouth and shit.
  17. I still think the LSX motor is a better motor but a 302 can be modded for so cheap its retarded.
  18. Oh and I kinda feel famous with all the hype I have seen from this. I am waiting for MTV to call me to do a reality show on my life.
  19. Haha, I got so many texts about that. I wasnt even paying attention and that was her parents right next to her so she was alil embarassed about it. I felt more like an idiot whiping off all the lip gloss on my mouth then anything. Figures the one game I go to with her parents I am on that shit.
  20. All you lsx guys go ahead and line up, we will clip you off one by one.
  21. http://www.autojunk.nl/clips/view/152095
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