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Everything posted by Sam1647545489

  1. What time and day will this be on...
  2. Easiest thing to do if she doesnt.... http://home.insight.rr.com/samsc5/punchiefacialmoron.jpg
  3. I am thinking of Madmalibu...????
  4. Glenn we need to talk about this zo6 you got there. Also love the flame....
  5. I could do that also..hmmmmm maybe it will be on tonight.
  6. Wait marc is only 19....lol dude I thoght he was like almost 30...Anyways happy b-day. http://home.insight.rr.com/samsc5/ice_dancing.gif
  7. Well dont expect me there. Seem tonight we are gonna get a flood from mother nature..
  8. Sam1647545489


  9. http://home.insight.rr.com/samsc5/omg_ostrich.jpg
  10. http://home.insight.rr.com/samsc5/omg_ostrich.jpg
  11. http://home.insight.rr.com/samsc5/omg_ostrich.jpg
  12. dude she use to go snow plowing with me in it....She loved to work the plow
  13. The funny thing is that is the car I take all my first dates out in, to test them....lol
  14. Like I said again, if you took that comment to be serious then you got something wrong. Honestly do you think I would run you over with my car. I said if you wanna bet just make sure you got the money or there will be some problems...
  15. I said that if you dont pay up then I would. Seriously if you took that comment serious then you have some issues. I said whatever you wanna do is fine with me, JUST BRING THE MONEY OR FACE THE PUNISHMENT
  16. Tell you dad to sell them to me and put the stockers back on. Keep the vette original, will get more when he sells it...
  17. well it loks like rain this friday night and into saturday. Maybe they cant drive their high hp cars when the roads are wet.
  18. This man speaks the truth. I use to have to do this...
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