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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. You looking to have some sort of shoe factory in your basement?
  2. http://www.lolzilla.net/images/38949735810634909294.png
  3. This. He's helped a TON along with Leigh in the parts for my sons Regal.
  4. my mother inlaw is trying to sell a sleep number bed. it's a Single and all automatic and shit. She wants like a grand for it though .
  5. Don't need this anymore. $20. It comes apart in 6 pieces. Front, back, sides, and two for the roof. Looks just like this.. the kids aren't mine. http://www.toys.ie/product_images/100137_M.jpg
  6. I know that. I can't find a 7" wide rim other than a Mustang rim. I've already looked at the Hondas and stuff but they're all 6" wide or 6.5".
  7. I just saved 15% or more on my car parts by switching to O'reilleys.
  8. Hell I don't know. I just want two 15" 114.x rims that are 7" wide.
  9. hmm.. I thought they were 5x114.3? I'm having a hell of a time then finding something in 15x7 with my offset. Damnit. The ones I were looking at were these. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/96-97-98-FORD-MUSTANG-WHEEL-15X7-3-SPOKES-ALUM-PAINTED-/390346397594?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5ae275579a
  10. Needs to be 15" and 5 lug. I think all of the Mustang rims are the same offset? need two of them. Let me know if you have a set for cheap.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVU7aN_ogN8&feature=player_embedded
  12. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313210_2069560498764_1237382240_31871224_1064334313_n.jpg My son posted this on his FB wall.
  13. It seems every other week someone hits that guard rail that goes to 161 west. It's always banged up. Ever since they re-did that section of 161/270 it's been hell.
  14. Looking to see if anyone has a set lying around. Need to be 16". Preferably 26x9.5x16. Anything better than a stock tire. Don't need the rims, but if they will fit on a 98+ mustang I they would fit.
  15. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/motor/100_0521.jpg http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/motor/100_0520.jpg Yep that was my oil pan in my old 99 GS.
  16. I just had a brand new cable ran from the pole to the house like 2-3 weeks ago.
  17. I noticed it's more on the HD channels than the non. Oh well.. Time to turn the 360 on.
  18. Ok but I have cable.. not satellite. Or does it effect everything?
  19. For the past two weeks or so the video has been cutting out, pixelating, and cutting out audio. It's happening on both HD and non HD tvs/boxes. It's getting so bad it's almost impossible to watch TV. Yep, I called WOW. Guy on the phone said it's Solar Flares and it'll happen for the next few weeks. Anyone else having this issue?
  20. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s320x320/310446_2061355573646_1237382240_31865604_646309913_n.jpg
  21. I might have one off my old Regal that's a 2 bar. I'll check later on probably tomorrow and let you know.
  22. Fuck it.. I'm thinking Arbys.
  23. Buck531

    RIP Steve

    Where's the casket app?
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