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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Now that you mention it.. I forgot about trails on Sunday. I think I might go.
  2. Damn that's sad. I was/still am (sort of) a pro wrestling fan. I grew up in the mid 80's watching it and I remember when Scott Hall came into the WWE. I remember when he left WWE and went to WCW and after that I never really heard about him. Just Kevin Nash. Sucks that it happened to him. I couldn't see him living another year or two.
  3. Buck531


    Golf sucks anyways. Learn a real sport.. like Pro Wrestling or some shit. Maybe Noodling for catfish might fit you better though.
  4. 1. This. 2. this. 3. This. I had to read the end of the thread to see if I would have reposted what someone else would have posted.
  5. I'm not a huge fan of talk shows or Stern.. but this is pretty good.
  6. Thanks James..one of the few in the thread that posted something worth a shit. Where do I spray it just every where? carpet? couches, etc?
  7. We just gave the cat a bath (that was fun.. first time in 12 years). Seems that most if not all the fleas are gone now. I also bought a flea comb. I ran it through him a few times and didn't find anything. One trick that I found on the net is to snip off a chunk of the flea collar and stick it in the canister for the vacuum. We did that.. and now Lori is going to clean the entire house again.
  8. I've read so much crap on the internet my head is going to explode. From powders to flea collars to frontline. What's the best way to get rid of them? I recently put a flea collar on him the other day but they're still on there. He's an indoor cat and never gets to be outside. I just saw this on the webz. Anyone ever use it/have any luck with it? http://www.onlynaturalpet.com/product_detail.aspx?item_guid=99C046BF-2C8D-4037-ADF4-A32525FCF857&click=2083
  9. Buck531

    Lets Hunt

    lol @ the wolfs (as the sheriff guy states). 25 or so have been shot/killed. PETA will have a field day with this probably.
  10. Thanks for the heads up on the dollar store. He went down the street and picked one up for $5... Only to find out when he put the tape in it clicked a few times and ejected it. Tape deck is bad. So he went back and bought a wireless adapter and it works.
  11. I'm based at 350 McCoy next to St. Anne's but have been working at home for 2 years now.
  12. Cool thanks. I found one on Target.com and they have them in the stores. He's just a broke kid and was hoping for cheaper.. Lemmie know guys. Thanks.
  13. I'm referring to both. Once you start working long hours and very hard at your job you WANT to just get the fuck out of that place for an hour. It's a great company.. don't get me wrong. I've been there almost 10 years. It's just when I was there at Polaris I was running around more than enough and the stress was killer in the line of work that I did.
  14. I wanna see someone go 200 mph on a bike and pull a parachute and start floating in the sky.
  15. Anyone have one locally here? Every place I found is online only and my son doesn't want to put his CC/debit card info on the webz just yet. wondering if anyone has one lying around they're not using anymore.
  16. http://www.staginglight.com/links/trackfinder.html#OH
  17. Congrats. Woohoo.. another tax deduction .
  18. You need a lot more "stuff" on the car to run that fast son. Looks good though. thumbs up.
  19. Nice place Doc. Thanks for opening it up for us. Definitely a great place to go in the winter. Now you just need a grill
  20. Awesome.. no problem. I was hoping it wouldn't be flopping around in the back of the truck
  21. Buck531


    The news story. http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2011/10/14/shock-video-savage-attack-at-manhattan-mcdonalds/
  22. Buck531


    Repost? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tFvPKHABgk :fuckyeah:
  23. Dkilbourne PM'd me yesterday at 1 pm and is going to pick it up tomorrow/today. It's been sitting outside for a few years now. The barn door in the front is faded a little bit (turning white) but other than that it's fine just needs a wash.
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