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Everything posted by Buck531

  1. Yeah they kinda were mass produced. Not so much anymore. It's getting really tough to find one. That's why I was looking at getting one made. I could probably do it myself, but I figured I'd let someone with a mill do it. They're around $100 or so "IF" I can find one. If not, oh well. Also, the block of aluminum is the correct width and size (the triangle looking shape). I just need the hole cut in the middle and the holes drilled. If that helps.
  2. I'm having this problem right now. It's basically running non stop. On for 10-12 minutes, off for 5, back on. Last year I had this issue and Garrett came out and they put a pound of freon in the shizzle and it seemed ok. I'm kinda bummed now that I spend a grand on insulating the house and it doesn't seem to be doing shit now (it did great in the winter). So I sent a PM to him today and I'm waiting a reply.
  3. I like Minuteman Pizza. I don't mind Papa Johns but I never order it since the wife won't eat it.
  4. woops about the link. Fixed. The Rolling Stone link had some odd brackets in it.
  5. Year for dying apparently. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/37323183/ns/today-entertainment/ RIP.
  6. FUCK. Mine just expired like 2 days ago and I bought it XBlive for $40. Eh, only $10 but that sucks.
  7. Eww.. I'm not sure about this now. I have gathering I'm going to on Saturday and my family is coming over on Monday. I gotta think about this.
  8. If I had a block of aluminum, can anyone here make this adapter? There's a back side to it that needs a little routing but I can't find the pic right now. http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk314/buck531/Random/northstaradapter1.jpg
  9. http://www.tampax.com/App_Themes/themeTampax/Images/en-US/home/downpour/mothernature1.gif
  10. Anything going on for Memorial day.. Well, not Monday, but next Sunday? I wouldn't mind throwing something at my house for the day. I could get my boss's cornhole set (or if someone else has a set) that we can setup in the back yard. I also have a set of horse shoe rings I can use as well. I can provide the meats and the grilling if some peeps bring some sides. Kids and family are welcome too.
  11. Make sure you get pics and vids of high speed racers going through a mountain.
  12. Buck531

    40 Cycle Hum

    Dude I play MW2 with has a band out in LA. Not too bad. Thoughts? http://www.40cyclehum.com/splash.html Youtube link. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=40+cycle+hum&aq=f
  13. http://www.mlive.com/news/detroit/index.ssf/2010/05/132-lb_woman_says_she_was_put.html WTF? I'd hit it.
  14. Eli is the Lincoln King
  15. I hear jones plays the skin flute.
  16. Buck531

    Yard Waist

    Never heard of yard waist.
  17. You sure no one was murdered in there? Was it down by the river?
  18. Fixed.. J/k. Dyno brian rocks. I might be there for the dyno day. I don't think I'll have my junk ready by then.
  19. Saw this on my buddies Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=home#!/event.php?eid=111344898907336 Not sure if you can read that or not. Rainbow lanes on South High Street.
  20. It's still on netflix I think. yeah I saw it last year too. Interesting movie.
  21. Buck531


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