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Everything posted by Oo0martelle0oO

  1. Slamball was the SHADANK!!! Loved it I think I missed like 5 games when it was on Spike TV.
  2. I have a shoit load of A&F shirt from when I used to work there . Now I show Khols Target. I really dont shop and more I just send the wife out.
  3. I'm sure it left a welt just as big.
  4. graters Sp? sells it year round
  5. I was gonna try this at work but decided against it. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9015794510241027087
  6. Arent you suppsed to hold on to the gun????
  7. Thats so fucked up and funny as hell.
  8. I would have fucked him up. Jesus the welt on his head was huge.
  9. Here is a complete list of places at Easton http://www.eastontowncenter.com/maindirectories/restaurants/tableservice.cfm
  10. Nextel used to be good, Thanks sprint:rolleyes:
  11. Damn i have never been offered money.
  12. I agree back in the day when I was with sprint they didnt give phones away but they were cheaper so to upgrade the phone may cost you like 200 bucks and that was when color screens and camera started comming out. Now I think they charge so much to cover the FNG that gets a free phone.
  13. I'd try to find the owner. I have found a few phones. I have even gone thru the phone numbers and called people to find the owner.
  14. LOL same here. There was a subaru ad that said something about being fast not having to make up a mascot.
  15. Honestly I dont know I picked it up on ebay. Needed something cheap.
  16. Its going on my 98 VW GTI. Currently I'am in the process of gather parts to build a new motor. I have about 85% of the parts I need. It will be a 2.0 16v with a compression ratio of 8.1:1 factory forged block and mild P&P head. http://www.ohiovw.com/cars/gallery/martelle-5755-gti.jpg
  17. Awesoem I want one. Maybe I'll steal the neighbor kids.
  18. The air is comming soon. I told a guy at work that it was a radiator. Stupid computer Engineers
  19. I peronally wont be going. Just a bunch of ricers with boom boxes. There wont be there I cant see or hear for that matter at the thrift store.
  20. Ahh Bite me I updated the link hopefully you guys at work will see it now. :thumbup:
  21. Shawn if you go to the Cheesecake Factory, get there early. Friday night are a PITA and the wait is unreal but the food is good. You could also head to RJ snappers in the short north (Seafood), Molly Woos at Polaris was really good Asian food, Ruth Chris little to much for my taste or J Alexanders Both really good at Crosswoods 23N
  22. FedEx showed up today and dropped this off http://www.ohiovw.com/cars/gallery/martelle-5739-intercooler.jpg ts 30.5x11.75x3 Not what I ordered (28x9x2.5) but I'll take it just the same and make it work.
  23. The original Crime was doing a U-Turn. That why they went to pull him over. The cops didn't know it was dipshit until the pulled him from the car after a chase and turning around in the median strip at 256 and 70 heading west to brice road.
  24. no there was a little blurp on the news. It showed the cops unloading the guns and ammo from the car.
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