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Everything posted by Oo0martelle0oO

  1. I just realized I gave you two recipes. He used the top one it is prepped the same way as the bottom one do not strain. I Yahoo'e this Company Whole Hog Bbq Address: Columbus, OH 43229 Phone: (614) 848-4461 You can try them about getting a Hog.
  2. Here a SC Pig Roast Sauce The last hog roast I went to the hog cooked all day something like 8 hours on a Smoker with I think Oak chips and something else I can't remember. The guy cooking used this sauce he made about 2 gallons of it the week before and just shook it over the hog did not brush it. He served stright off the smoker. That was the best Pig I ever had.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b0UvgYotpMw
  4. I would SLOW DOWN!! Damn how many of these threads are we gonna have in a week?
  5. Holy shit. did it even change gears?
  6. Not so much a concept. Its the new Passat EOS. I think they are available to buy now. Saw one last weekend at Volksfest.
  7. If you upset any contrictor they will throw up its meal. Thats kinda the idea they were doing. I used to have 2 ball pythons for about 4 years. I had one throw up once holding after it was done eating.
  8. Yeah WTF They didnt do shit. Fucked up world
  9. I moved here in 99 to go to DeVry. For me that was a mistake I left after a year took six months offand went back to CS. It took me a long time to Graduate from CSCC but I finally did in June thanks to My Wife, Dad and the passing of my mother. I currently work for a Telecommuncations Co. making about 36k as a temp. I'm currently looking for a new job in Web design and flash and will be going back to school in the winter either at CSCC or CCAD depending on if the new comapny will pay me back. I don't think going to School is foolish but in my field it's alot of what and who you know apposed to where you went and the degree you hold granted it does factor in a bit but not much IMO.
  10. Hey Linn Needs A NSFW ICon Due to add content.
  11. Nice my wife wants to do a join project like that.
  12. Also Check out http://forums.vwvortex.com. You get answers to almost any question aswell.
  13. Busa Motor FTW. I'm trying to do the same thing when I get a house.
  14. Hey guys I'am looking for a domain name. So far I have come up with Martelle.net (My mom used to own it) DigitalMartelle.com Digital-Martelle.com Pure-Random.com PureRandom.cc What do you think? I'm trying to come up with something I can use as a portfolio and resume. I'm leaning more on Pure-Random.com. If you have an suggestions post'em up.
  15. LOL Yes I am a troll. anyway back on topic you guys were talking about football. I'm out.
  16. You assume I watch pro sports. I could care less about those over paid pile of dung you'd call pro athletes. What “real connection” do you have with OSU being in Athens and opinion’s are like asshole everyone has them and they stink. Edit: Why are you so upset cause I don't like the buckeyes and stated my opinion. Did I offend you by saying "Buckeyes boooooooo!". What do you care if I dont like them. Am I missing something do you "play" for them?
  17. Repost!! http://www.columbusracing.com/showthread.php?t=28022&page=2 Just kidding shawn. I posted it early today and it's still funny :thumbup:
  18. I like The VAG Family (Audi Lambo VW...) I hope that this R8 doesn't have as many problems as most of the other Audi's and VW, either way though I'd rock it. The Front and side view look more like a Veyron 16:4.
  19. Hey thats a good one. No I dont have a team, I HATE college Sports. As far as I'm concerned their all trash teams.
  20. Heres Something the Wife recieved the other day in her e-mail. http://www.ohiovw.com/cars/gallery/martelle-5765-ATT393937.gif
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