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Everything posted by ghost1647545489

  1. theres only one fight that would be worth Fedor's time in my opinion and that is Fedor vs Lesnar. Fedor is on another level then all these heavy weights and Lesnar's size and quickness may keep it reasonable. But back to the initial thought, does anyone believe that any of the TV Show Fighters would stand even a close chance of beating the current champ??? The answer is it would be an embarrassment. Kimbo just needs Ground training for about a year and try again. Any fighter with some technique would destroy him as long he doesnt catch them before it hits the ground. Kimbo seems very dedicated, but even the bloated hill billy dominated him, who by the way has been fighting in a venue IFL( I dont like him either). Say what you want about the punches hard or soft, he was being dominated. He was defending himself intelligently, unless you mean blocking punches with his face was intelligent
  2. this could be the worst ultimate fight yet, the fighters are in the worst condition yet. The last fight the fighters gassed in less than 2 mins
  3. http://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2396-Big-Run-Ridge-Blvd_Grove-City_OH_43123_1111464704 this is the link. thanks Tony
  4. Found a 2005 audi S4 41,000 miles, does anyone know of expensive maintenance in upcoming miles?
  5. Only lancer I like is the EVO and dont know what they lease for, anyone?
  6. the audi site doesn't give you actual payment amounts like bmw's does
  7. Hey wifes lease is almost up, looking for something like a 350z or somthing sporty we both can drive that we can lease for 2 or 3 years.
  8. he didn't mention that it was b/c she was white, but I bet if it was another black artist who won this would not have happened, just my opinion.
  9. yeah i know a lot of people who did the same, heard its good
  10. any one who wants to borrow my scooter they are welcome to it
  11. So I went today and took my motorcycle test, I used a 150cc scooter it was very easy on it. But I honestly dont know if I could complete it on a normal size bike, even though I now can go buy any size bike I want to ride with out any restriction. After watching another scooter guy pass his test, I then watched a novice motorcycle rider attempt this test. During the "S" through the cones he put his feet down 3 times. He was then sent away with no endorsement. I offered to let this person use the scooter to go through his test prior to this, he had no interest in trying it with my scooter. Well just thought it was funny and the scooter always wins!!! hahahahahaha
  12. Mark also is an aux. Deputy for Franklin County and Him and my dad have been friends for a long time. I am a Deputy as well. Sales guy would be Mike Espinoza, but Mark handles all my deals
  13. should I have posted this in consumer reports ?
  14. Hey just wanted to let anyone know who is looking for a Mazda or Subaru I have a really Good Hook up at Byers Mazda Subaru off Billingsly Road in Dublin. He will make things really easy no hassling. It may sound like a commercial But Im just putting it out there if anyone wants to get a good deal. Not only is the General Manager a friend but also a co-worker. I have bought my last 3 cars from there.
  15. umm nothing really as far as trade, but its a HANNS G monitor got it from Micro Center dont really have any specs on it can send you a pic by email, it has a really good picture.
  16. in great conditions used for 4 months and now have an IMAC so I dont need it. $65.00
  17. 15c Row 17 2 tickets my neighbor is selling 600.00 each
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