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Everything posted by ghost1647545489

  1. for local stuff I will keep you in mind and thanks again.
  2. dont go to CCA for car audio stuff they are such a rip off.
  3. well if you are interested in doing side jobs PM me a contact number or email and I will call or email you with anything.
  4. Hey what would you charge to install alarm and remote starts? may have a few customers for you, if you are even interested
  5. yeah Pauls is the one who originally tuned it and yeah it sounds familiar because he and I talked at work and he said the same thing
  6. Cool I will look into getting a focus pump or cobra pump, can anyone on here tune auto logic chips?
  7. I dont think im running out of injector cause car only makes a little over 400hp. I am going to check the fuel preasure this weekend, The car was dyno tuned and everything checked out fine but they didnt floor it through every gear burning all that fuel then hitting third and fourth. I just know its a can pump which means it only holds so much fuel before it runs out unlike the cobra pump.
  8. Well I went to trails and ran the 1/4 mile It seems when Im hitting third gear im running out of fuel. Is the only thing I can do is put in a 03 cobra pump to correct this or what? Fuel system now is 42lb injectors and 250lph pump that was included with my supercharger kit. If anyone has any recomendations please let me know.
  9. Hey man Im pore! Im just trying to squeeze out an extra psi or so but apparently no one knows Im just going to call paxton
  10. Just wondering what is the smallest pulley I could use on this unit with out killing the head unit? Thanks for any info.
  11. Pauls Automotive Engineering in Cinci is good.
  12. please someone know this answer before tomorrow i want to work on it tomorrow
  13. Need to know what size belt I need for a 2000 Mustang GT supercharged with a Novi supercharger. if anyone knows let me know, I cant call paxton till monday wanted to get one sooner so. Well thanks let me know
  14. Post removed. Biddy, you're not a registered vendor and never will be due to your past history on CR. Not to mention, you drive a PT Cruiser that you can't even spell right. Plow way! ~Anthony [ 12. January 2005, 04:08 PM: Message edited by: Regulate ]
  15. 2002 mustang GT 17" 5 spoke alloys with factory tires on with about 60% tread life left asking 500.00 or best offer email: tcasper@columbus.rr.com phone: 614.404.4866
  16. Yeah I need a good shop who wont charge and arm and a leg to fix it. I need a new rear driver side quarter and other stuff let me know thanks
  17. ghost1647545489


    . [ 02. December 2003, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: The Hebrew Hammer ]
  18. yes thanks and it was a typ oooooooooo
  19. No. You've been around for a long-ass time, you know the friggin rules by now. Go do as everyone selling business items has, and register. It's not hard, it's not confusing, it's actually pretty simple. Fuck, I don't even charge anything for it. Sheesh graemlins/slap.gif [ 21. November 2003, 01:51 PM: Message edited by: Lowfat Beef ]
  20. Well I have a 2000 GT and I put the MAC Subframe connectors on and they fit nicely they are $98.
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