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Everything posted by BIG SHAFE

  1. Hows this? %n: I hate to tell you but I'm gay. My Screen Name: Dude Get Away!!!
  2. Senior Picture. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid74/pd375154058a76ec2d0751f361307a6ed/fb5fd1c3.jpg Couple years old. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid98/p0cfdfa2b9e6ce8c5a859817fbed7c086/fa00c3cb.jpg Just recently, sophisticated look at Denny's. http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid109/pdcb8c27364f77a9d3dac053bf250d2b3/f92a8dc4.jpg
  3. Nice, Men I think its time to spread the word, then the the pimp juice.
  4. Wheres the other pics you promised? Post them up.
  5. I like "Love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket" Bloodhound gang "I want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed" Ludacris "Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire" Metallica "A lapdance is so much better when the stripper is cryin'" Bloodhound gang
  6. Nice, shes filled out in all the right places. Damn bastard.
  7. I don't agree with the "required meet attendance". How many people don't even live near Columbus? I don't, I live over 2 hours away and can't make it to a meet with my schedule. Implementing this would keep us "Non-Columbus" people from being a part of the board. I agree with Mod/Admins, I think closing the board will get peoples attention and make them think. Do what you think is best.
  8. I did the same thing for my old Grand Prix, and boy did it do wonders. I could actually accelerate in overdrive. I need to get started on one for the Bonneville. graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. I have a 1993 Pontiac Bonneville and I am trying to remove the cover off the door as to replace the speakers. I've gotten the edges loose but I can't get the middle of the door loose. It has powere mirrors, locks, and windows and it has to come off the door somehow but I don't know where. Can anyone tell how to get any farther? Or any websites that can help in aiding me do this? Chris I know you're big in the 3800 crowd, know of any webistes for Bonneville's? I've searched but haven't found anything helpful. Please help.
  10. LOL, would that be industrial strength? tongue.gif

    AWD vs.4WD

    AWD is more associated with all time all wheel drive and is non-selectable. While 4WD is associated with selectable 2WD or 4WD, also there are usually two different gearings for 4WD. This is what I understand it to be, maybe someone actually in the automotive field could say for sure.
  12. Obviously stupidity has no limit. Stupid kids.
  13. Lower octane=Knock especially with a higher compression ratio, I'm pretty sure on the Vettes it says that Premium should be used, should be the same for any LS1 maybe LT1??, not positive though.

    motor work

    It's in Massillon? Where??? I live here and I've never heard of it.
  15. You could always get the electronic cutout, open and close it with a switch, its not that much more I think.
  16. Thought I would bring this back up, its getting close to that time again.
  17. Instead of a full exhaust you could get a cutout(s). The free ram air mod also helps.
  18. Hey Anthony I would like to get 2 silver ones, but I was wondering if you have set anything up for shipping them? I guess I could travel down to get them some weekend.
  19. Hey Anthony I would like to get 2 silver ones, but I was wondering if you have set anything up for shipping them? I guess I could travel down to get them some weekend.
  20. Cool Kyle....I suggest them, you buy them. My next suggestion is a 427 C5-R block w/ worked over C5-R heads, custom intake manifold, solid roller, backed by a T-56. Let's add a 250 shot of nitrous for good measure. I'll assume you'll get right on that. </font> Now thats a fricking plan!!!
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