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Everything posted by BIG SHAFE

  1. Thats what mine looked like after Zaino clay bar. I might have to try a Meguiar clay bar.
  2. Might wanna add a NWS to this. graemlins/nod.gif
  3. Is it driveable, or will it need to be towed?
  4. 3.6L engine, are you sure? It should be a 3.4, 3.1, or 2.8. Any price range?
  5. My best and first run at the track netted a 15.1 @ 95, 60 foot owns me. I'm still learning how to launch, maybe Saturday I will have better luck. I also may have a friend that just bought a '98 Z28 coming out for its first showing.
  6. I might head out for one last run before the snow hits.
  7. It's Carmella DeCesare, from Avon Lake Ohio and playmate of the year. She's my favorite. graemlins/grin2.gif graemlins/leghump.gif
  8. Air condition? Anymore info on what needs to be tuned?
  9. I have a question concerning wireless internet while we are on the subject. I have a wireless setup (Linksys) in my house. Other people in the neighborhood have it too and we all have the same name for the network (linksys) without a log in. How do I go about setting things up so people at my house have to log in or making sure our computers connect only to our router? Thanks.
  10. Booya bitches! If he says it wont be blown ok, but I heard this info from a GM supplier quality engineer. Guess we will wait and see, should be badass either way. graemlins/popcorn.gif
  11. Racer X You scored -25% Congratulations. You are the real thing. Chances are you could tear down your engine and put it back together in a weekend. You know a decent amount about racing dynamics. The "FATHF" culture has been a bane to your existence since you've been in the game for years before that horrid movie was released. Auto-x, drag racing, track time, you know enough to not sound like an ass while talking about it, and you can probably hold your own on the track too. Race on, good citizen, for you are a true Racer.
  12. Just like you said no to this? Thread
  13. It is "supposed" to be supercharged, but you didn't hear it from me.
  14. Damn, almost. Now that is a tease.


    Comedy Gold. graemlins/grin2.gif
  16. Couldn't have said it better. graemlins/nod.gif
  17. Wow, 4 forums for show and 1 real forum for performance. Oh and a popular title in the performance forum is "My offical I want a bla bla Thread". I have a great topic for that forum, "My official I want an Enzo Thread". graemlins/jerkit.gif
  18. Please send pics to MattAShaffer@hotmail.com. Thanks.
  19. Very nice! Anyone know the name of the artist or song playing?
  20. Definite hottie, finally someone posted. I gotta get me one of the "hot girl on your car" mods for the SS.
  21. "It's only for decoration man."
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