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Everything posted by Major_Movit

  1. i need to take a trip up there again
  2. I got a pair of BOSE headphones and some other small gifts. I'm happy
  3. you better honk/wave/flash lights/etc. when you pass another Z(doesnt matter what gen). So many z33 owners are bastards, they never wave back =(
  4. i'd say spend a little more and go w/ netgear. I've never had one problem w/ any of their products. - my $.02
  5. ooooo is there a topgear review or was it just the In the News thing?
  6. ive been following that car for years. Finally they got it working. 1.25mil doenst seem too bad
  7. i hate kids. if i would have even told me mom to get me milk in a bad tone, my dad would own my ass
  8. reading this thread makes me want to buy some stuff. I used to play paintball all the time w/ my buds but we ran outa money and the tourneys got old. if i could get some some gear for less than 400 i might take up the sport. I have my heart set on a m14 and they seem to be quite expenisve =(
  9. i didnt know you got a new name
  10. post count shouldnt be all that determines senior status. a n00b could post whore and get senior status
  11. i own a 2 seater N/A. Not a bad car, not really "fast" but it's not bad. If you want a fast car get a TT cause even w/ every bolt on the car will never push 300whp. As for the 2+2... i like the look of them. I always think of the batmobile when i see a black one(b/c they are quite long). IMO the back seats are pointless unless you have children. Oh and the Z brotherhood is great(minus the few 350 owners that don't honk/wave back, bastards)
  12. i kinda like it. TVR wasnt bad when russian owned so i'd try this
  13. you had senior member status? i joined a year before you and i didnt get anything like that
  14. 2nd that. They do good work there
  15. yeah i'd be interested if it's decently cheap. Although my car is putting down much less you your guys' monster cars
  16. oh and i forgot. you can't take the one at mid-ohio unless you're 18+ or you've taken their safety driving class
  17. the beginning racing course at mid-ohio is all autocross pretty much. they 2nd class is more lapping. i'm probably going to take the beginning one in the spring
  18. Major_Movit

    Good Music

    Radiohead The Doors Pink Floyd King Crimson(older stuff) Muse Ben Folds The Black keys(if you like blues rock) just to name a few
  19. I'm finally getting my car back from the shop after a long wait(long story). Anyway, I have some rust problems around the bottom of my doors and i'm wondering if you guys recommend any shops.
  20. I'd love to do a TT swap but i don't have the money being that i'm starting college in a month or two. I'll call IPSM tomorrow and get a quote
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