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Everything posted by 98GSR

  1. Well the way I had it set up, when we did race, it was close but he had me. That was with no injectors and the last race (NO BOOST CONTROLLER )I was only on 6lbs. RL did a good job on my turbo. Now I have to spen d more money on injectors, dyno time, and I think its time to rebuild the bottom end. Turboed Hondas are fun, however how much money and time you have the faster you will go.
  2. I went with the Drag kit no real problems yet. I was real happy with the power I got. Any questions just ask.
  3. Yep talk to RL.He did my turbo
  4. 98GSR

    Attn: Rob

    Rob have you ran accross any dsm injectors lately? Its about time to do some tunning, and I need injectors if I want to have some more fun.
  5. Ya no problems, still havent turned the boost up. Waiting to find some cheap DSM injectors, dyno and go from there. Just the damn motor mounts, I need to get off my ass and go by some. (inserts) The only real problem is that Im pushin so much fule presure I am having problems keeping the gas line on the filture, I should have that problem fixed this weekend or whenever I have time.
  6. Rob did my kit, and I am happy with it. and rob if you do his kit make sure its not as quick as mine J/K
  7. You Have stock injectors and stock FPR?? Wow I can't get enough fuel just around 6psi, how did you run your car before. I have 2 fuel pumps and a FPR and a Vafc
  8. Hey I forgot to tell you my car is for sale now any questions PM or IM.
  9. We were talking before, and I still say GSR. The B18c1 is a great engine to work on. One of the strongest that honda makes. I have put a turbo on mine and I am very happy with the results I have gotten so far. Of course it is all up to you whether or not you have the money to get a GSR or LS, just a comparison. My stock GSR with Intake and Exhaust put out 150 to the wheels before turbo. I saw a LS with a 55 shot of ZEX w/ intake, header, exhast and some other mods, put down around 150-160 not sure on the exact number.
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