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Everything posted by black00ws6

  1. Agreed.. We saw it last night.. Wasn't any type of oscar winner but it was a decent movie to go watch on a sunday night.
  2. Just like the other posts saying it's a nice gun and for a bump.... Or maybe because I posted first and a nazi moderator felt threatened because he wanted the gun.
  3. who the fuck deleted my post about this gun?? fucking cock sucker.
  4. +1010232432542 Funny that my AMD 2500 runs so much faster than my cousins P4 3.2ghz. And cost twice as less.... Out of all the PC's I've built with AMD's, not one has burned up (except from a DOA mobo..)
  5. Scott.. keep the Z and we'll head/cam it when you get back home!!! A day full of beer drinkin and tearin apart that car..
  6. Sounds like a ricer excuse...
  7. Anyone see this movie last weekend?? Review?
  8. Halo sux too. War games ownz j00 all graemlins/bubbrubb.gif
  9. Just go pick up a new ATI 7000 at microcenter for 30. Unless you want this for gaming then you'll have to spend a lot more.
  10. The AMD 3500 is out?? Or you just clocked it to the 3500 speed?
  11. 17th for me.. Won't be in town on the 5th...
  12. No problems with the sasser worm here.. That patch came out at the beginning of April so automatic updates already took care of it.
  13. Get some patron and celebrate!!! or some 1800. mmmmmmmm good stuff.
  14. Corona = mexican's piss.... Be a man and drink some tequila.
  15. And?? What type of math is it? Essay tests are easy to cheat on, just make a few notecards full of an essay's outline and you're set. In my western civ at OSU, the professor gave us 5 topics but 3 were going to be on the final and we had to pick 2 to write on.
  16. Finals = sneakiest way to cheat and pass. WOOT
  17. I'll be using ya, I'm getting an xbox soon. smile.gif
  18. I saw sevendust about 5 years ago, they do put on a pretty intense show. http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/images/smilies/rockon.gif http://www.svtperformance.com/forums/images/smilies/rockon.gif
  19. My work PC http://cimellc.org/pics/desktop.jpg
  20. Wow, that's...just..retarded.
  21. Is it better than the first? I thought that game sucked.. What format are you downloading this in? I've never had a problem burning cue/bin or iso files at 40+ speeds. Are you d/ling the whole file or r01, 01, rar files?
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