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Everything posted by 99BlownYellowGT

  1. Don't try to rationalize a shitty trade....clowns lol
  2. Thought it was about Marion at first....but yeah I had to go to porchmith once in awhile when i was in college. Sums it up
  3. Most shelters won't adopt an animal to be kept outside. If you can't keep it inside sometimes don't get one.
  4. The past few years the D has struggled against this type of offense. Them scoring that much was not a big surprise to me.
  5. Fresh Prince is my all time favorite
  6. That fumble killed them...game was over if they scored.Typical bungles
  7. Is there somewhere the bengals game is online
  8. Bengals are my team but they haven't proved that they can win a playoff game yet
  9. So who can search the plates to find out whose it is
  10. I dunno....its been debated for years. Its never going to change it would screw up recruiting if one school offers more perks pay wise than others. A free ride is pretty good perks. How many 18-22 year olds are making 25-30 grand a year or whatever it costs. I would love to not have to be paying school loans the rest of my life.
  11. I keep seeing tilted kilt popping up on my fb page for hosting drafts
  12. Make sure you have something for everyone. You never know who will show up on the lot
  13. Judging for the RWD American class had to be tough. Lots of awesome cars in that category
  14. Twin turbo lamborghini engine into a ford festiva sitting on 26" daytons
  15. I would risk my job to save a defenseless kids life.
  16. Way more then I thought would be there. Had a blast looking at cars with my daughter.
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