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Everything posted by 99BlownYellowGT

  1. Didnt Robert Smith quit OSU one year because was a whining crybaby. Look at the sources they are using.ESPN does have a bone to pick.Even during the whole championship year they bashed OSU.
  2. Did you make sure your filter was clean.I think when that blows you might get some blowby into the filter? Maybe?
  3. I bought a smaller drafting table for my artistic needs so im letting my other one go.The 1st $20 gets it.Its nice i paid around $100 for it.Ill post pics later tonight after work.Im only gonna keep it for a week then it goes in the dumpster. Jason http://tinypic.com/kcjs8 http://tinypic.com/kcjtt The second pic shows some scratches and cuts on the top from cutting matboard.Hoblick if your interested let me know [ 07. November 2004, 11:58 PM: Message edited by: 99BlownYellowGT ]
  4. Dont worry we will meet up next year is that cool? graemlins/thumb.gif
  5. 99BlownYellowGT


    Adrien Peterson
  6. Here are a couple of pics of some small modifications that will be getting done this winter. http://modularmustangs.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4065&stc=1http://modularmustangs.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=4066&stc=1
  7. damn i only got to 44
  8. Got any pics of the intercoolers?If so PM them to me please.
  9. They played good but squandered too many chances inside the 10.They are getting better though.Tenessee next week.
  10. I looked at a 95 GSX.Horrible Body,They just replaced the engine and still wanted 9500 i was like ummm no.But they did let me test drive it.
  11. 11:1 might be just a little high.My engine might last a week.
  12. Back on topic.That looks good man graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. I like the car.not a big fan of the back but i think they look pretty good overall.
  14. I never knew girls could look so good with their clothes still on
  15. Nope Im not missing it. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
  16. Cap it at 150? How about 80 so the small market teams like Cincy and Cleveland have a chance.Baseball players salaries are out of hand and its all the Yankees fault.If someone wants to sign somebody good there is always the threat of them signing with the Yanks for more money.Screw them they've ruined my favorite sport.
  17. Agreed. GO SOX.I dont like them but anythings better than the yanks
  18. My project is to have a running car by summer.
  19. I heard this also.It was in either Car and Driver or motortrend i cant remember.
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