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Everything posted by 99BlownYellowGT

  1. If its the only car you have take the AWD cars but if you have a beater go for the cobra.
  2. DVD Shrink will compress and Nero will burn.They work hand to hand.
  3. Im guessing he passed away cuz there is a candle light vigile out on sancus.
  4. http://bluepyramid.org/ia/green.gif You're Greenland! <font size="3">While many people think you're a warmish person, you're actually really cold and forbidding. In fact, you're downright frigid, and you demand that people be tough if they're going to hang out with you. Despite this rocky personality, you still yearn for more independence than you have, and respect is hard to get even though you have a hard time just surviving day to day. Of all the pastries in the world, you could live without any more danishes.</font> Take the Country Quiz at the Blue Pyramid</font></font></p>
  5. Hahaha this is funny stuff.Looks like you need a stang. Mine makes a strange noise do to a vacuum leak or power stearing pump or something lol. I guess its good for 15's
  6. I dont see anything fast enough from that crew.
  7. preseason #9 in the espn poll
  8. Im a Bengals Fan I hate the Browns.Greatest day ever was when they packed up and went to Baltimore graemlins/finger.gif
  9. I saw a fake black one last year at trails also
  10. I dunno. I found the problem. Loose hose to the Bypass valve under the powerpipe.
  11. Happy B-day!!! 2 Jasons two mustang verts Nice!!!!
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