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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Wow, I cant believe you actually typed that sentance... graemlins/nonono.gif -Marc
  2. Wow, way to go. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif -Marc
  3. AngryBMW

    no show

    Once, by Nick. And ill race him whenever he wants. It's just stupid because like i already said, i know his car's faster than mine. -Marc
  4. AngryBMW

    no show

    You're calling me King of the Sackriders? Are you fucking kidding me? Do I even have to go back and show you where YOU said "hey guys, my bestest friend in the whole wide world owns the fastest camaro in the world?" You are the biggest tool we have had on here in a long time. You have no friends. People are nice to your face, but when you are gone, all they do is rip on you. Trust me, I knew kids like you in highschool. You want to call CR a clique? Ok. Fine, we are. That means you arent in it. You are not fucking cool enough to come out and chill with us. You see, you could related CR to the Jocks in HS. You can relate the GroveTuckey Posse/Pussys to the speds in highschool that were made to clean up after us. Do you see the relationship? Go fuck yourself and have a nice fucking day -Marc
  5. AngryBMW

    no show

    How many times were you personally called out last year by Jon (dragknee)? How many times has he called you out this year? How many times have you soiled your panties and ran to Amy to protect you instead of racing? -Marc
  6. AngryBMW


    Damn. I wish it would have been...would have made it so much sweater smile.gif -Marc
  7. AngryBMW


    Oh Noes!! The mighty GTO got called out by a fucking LINCOLN! Eli, can I watch? graemlins/popcorn.gif -Marc
  8. Oh wow, you have an associates I'll have enough credits for one after this quarter... What can I say Nick, im glad you were cut off. Maybe it'll teach you something. Name calling shows im desperate? Actually, you started off calling me "the new Biddy/ Mr. NOS Guy." I called you an asshole because that is what you have become. No joke, you really are an asshole. graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  9. Got lucky my ass. I had you beat both times, you just thought you could push me around. -Marc
  10. Gee Nick, that must be nice to have Gramps get you a manager position. Im a full-time student, and have a shitty part time job on the side. Once again, my grandpa didnt say "here's your monthly check, just make sure you stay enrolled." Hey Nick, where's your diploma? I havent lived in "daddy's" house for 2 years now. I am currently building my own car, just takes time being in school. Oh, I already know your Mustang is faster than my car. You've become a complete asshole. -Marc
  11. AngryBMW


    Happy birthday P.R.I.N.C.E.S.S. tongue.gif -Marc
  12. Seconds faster? Are you sure? I dont think you were in the 11's with a broken belt... Yes, Ill be at the track a lot this year. Think the other tire and oil bitches at NTB will let you out? Great, you bought a 9 second car. Want a cookie? graemlins/finger.gif -Marc
  13. Fuck man, I like Glenn. Why do his friends insist on being cock suckers? -Marc
  14. AngryBMW

    no show

    If I had to guess... Mowgli just cant ask his boss to leave to go race. You on the other hand, can probably leave your post at the McDonalds cash register whenever you would like! Fucking sackriders. -Marc
  15. What the fuck is this? I live in Grovetucky and own a slow car so lets join CR week? -Marc
  16. He might not want to risk loseing his liscense any more Sam. -Marc
  17. Nick, I dont believe you were involved in any of this. And, what was your last timeslip? If I remember correctly, it wasnt anything special Matt, I was talking about your car, not your bike. If you could read, you would have known that already. Oh and a word to the wise, I wouldnt always believe what Nick says -Marc
  18. What are you arguing? To argue, you have to have at least one valid point. Here, let me give you some arguments to respond to: 1) You are a fucking nutswinging poser as presented by your own posts. I dont think I need to actually show you where... 2) You dont actually own a fast car. You may own a quick car, but nothing fast. 3) You can't spell, or use grammar. Now, after reading this, I want you to sit down and think for a few minutes before responding with "Yeah, well, my friends car is so FAST! None of you will race it bla bla bla." If you want to argue, say something smart. -Marc
  19. AngryBMW


    Happy birthday Jesse! How old are you now? 17? tongue.gif -Marc
  20. Hold on a second, if I remember correctly, I believe that you have lost to me the last two times we've played... -Marc
  21. Oh noes...squirrel is back. You fucked up yet another post. God damn you are a fucking waste of life...It really is a shame your mom didnt abort you Glenn, since you are normally the grammar nazi of the board, would you please ask your bitch to either let you proof read his posts, or to just stop posting? -Marc
  22. Bitch, I will kill you tongue.gif -Marc
  23. In. Is it cool if i bring two other poker playing friends? -Marc
  24. Wow squirrel... tongue.gif -Marc
  25. Im in, if Jon feels like losing to me smile.gif -Marc
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