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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Well, if you go after 10 im in...class owns me. -Marc
  2. Where about do you live in Powell? I live off of liberty and I saw your car on Sawmill last week. Nice looking ride man. -Marc
  3. I should be going; ridding down with Chris and Anthony. Sam should be as well, unless he got skurred off by Chris' mad tyte driving skilz!111!! -Marc
  4. Today's the 15 asshat. -Marc
  5. AngryBMW

    O-S Who?

    If I were a betting man, I would say that the ignorant asshat means Ohio State. -Marc
  6. The only problem with Nextel is that they are expensive, the phones are expensive, and the walkie's dont work everywhere. I have Sprint, and will probably always have them, especailly since they finally have a walkie-talkie feature. -Marc
  7. AngryBMW

    O-S Who?

    O-Oh S-Shit U-U are fucking gay. Let it go man. Seriously. And I dont like OSU football... -Marc
  8. Loseing to a Turbo Coupe... tongue.gif -Marc
  9. 9 Bucks for four hours?? Hells yes! Probably not tonight, but I will go there. -Marc
  10. AngryBMW


    I cleaned this thread up to keep it on track...and by on track I mean by talking about PROFESSIONAL football. Keep all smart ass comments and college football talk for other threads. Thanks smile.gif -Marc
  11. AngryBMW


    Ill call you from cinci on sunday...so you can hear all your fellow fans crying... -Marc
  12. AngryBMW

    Poor kid

    Holy fuck that's funny. -Marc
  13. AngryBMW

    rx7 rebuild

    You turn wrench's? -Marc
  14. Owned. Actually, Dave carries his dad's tools around for him -Marc
  15. Doesnt Dave and his dad do re-modeling? -Marc
  16. AngryBMW


    Plus one...born in McKeysport. Anthony, the actual city isnt bad considering it is a steel city...and it's still better than Cleveland and Detroit. Dont be sour that the Steelers have beat your poor little brownies 8 out of the last 9 times they have met... tongue.gif -Marc
  17. AngryBMW


    And again, Steelers > NFL. Joel, tongue.gif -Marc
  19. That we have to go out and try that shit?? Hells ya! (seriously though I want to see what it tastes like...) -Marc
  20. Please god tell me she isnt dating Jeff Garcia... -Marc
  21. If Geoff is posting porn, dont look...'cause you know it's all guys tongue.gif -Marc
  22. I may be in if adam lets me grab shotty. -Marc
  23. Seriously. That's the way it was. Mom would get pissed and call dad, and then it was running time. I was never abused as a child, but when I fucked up, I got punished. A smack to the ass just makes you learn. A timeout in your room with cable, computer, phone, video games is just a reason to go and play with all of your shit. I actually have friends that were scared of my parents because I would get spanked. They were all used to time outs and not being allowed to watch tv... -Marc
  24. Welcome to the site! Just to give you a slight heads up, you will need to have your sense of humor around here, because we tend to be assholes to each other -Marc
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