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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Just because your Raiders suck doesnt mean you need to bash the NFL. -Marc
  2. Beh. Turbo Civics are cooler. -Marc
  3. It's really hard to quit. I want to, it just sucks going through school trying to stop. We shall see what the summer yields... -Marc
  4. Im guessing they are the 5 year old over size irons, and the original war bird. Dont forget that they made the original war bird for 6 years(I think). One of the best clubs ever made. -Marc
  5. Mabey. It depends on how much studying I have to do. -Marc
  6. Shouldnt you be working? graemlins/slap.giftongue.gif -Marc
  7. More than you know. Jesse, Pro Football > Open wheel racing. Period. -Marc
  8. AngryBMW

    WTF is NWS???

    NWS = Not Work Safe. -Marc
  9. AngryBMW

    90 CRX Si

    What are you asking for it? -Marc
  10. AngryBMW

    90 CRX Si

    What are you asking for it? -Marc
  11. A member at the country club I work at has one. I thought it was a custom car so thanks for the info! -Marc
  12. So wait, where the hell are you going? Nice links man, nice. -Marc
  13. Butter-face... And the pink makes up for the gross nips... I hope your girlfriend is hotter than that Jon... -Marc
  14. OK, Any one that still wants to get in on this needs to PM MANDLILATOR BY JUNE 25! It should be a great time. -Marc
  15. Bible thumper... tongue.gif -Marc
  16. AngryBMW

    TH400 rebuild

    I would say Berberich Automotive. It's off of Reynoldsburg - New Albany Rd. Great shop, great service, great prices. Call and ask for Jon. -Marc
  17. It is great on the face of my putter... Seriously, from what I understand it is a fairly soft metal, and is pretty expensive. What are you planning on useing it for? -Marc
  18. AngryBMW


    Thats pretty good. -Marc
  19. You own a tow truck Ben?? Damn, what do you guys not have? tongue.gif -Marc
  20. AngryBMW

    Meet :Thur. June 03

    Um, he's fat and heard free brats... tongue.gif -Marc
  21. I am a member as well. It's good knowing that if you need a tow, you have one; especially when you have a 19 year old car -Marc
  22. Ooops. My bad. It was late, and I thought it was another person (Venomess). Sorry for the confusion. -Marc
  23. Get off your ass and install your injectors... -Marc
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