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Everything posted by AngryBMW

  1. Nice man, good to hear you got her running again! -Marc
  2. That's fucking terrible, but you have to admire the work he put into it. -Marc
  3. AngryBMW

    company benefits

    Not bad, I wouldnt mind that perk. graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  4. Um, get a vehicle that runs on it's own power... graemlins/slap.gif And when ever you want, from a dig. -Marc
  5. Um, undisputed? How about one of the worst calls in history giving OSU a chance to get back into the game? And I am not a UM fan. -Marc
  6. graemlins/banned.gifgraemlins/banned.gifgraemlins/banned.gif -Marc
  7. Ben, this is the parking lot. We can talk about anything we want. And since the MOD of the section hasnt closed it, kindly shut the fuck up. -Marc
  8. I forgot the guidelines or that there's a PM feature. -Marc [ 25. May 2004, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  9. I forgot the guidelines or that there's a PM feature. -Marc [ 25. May 2004, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  10. AngryBMW


    Um, it isnt raining... graemlins/slap.giftongue.gif -Marc
  11. This man speaks the truth. graemlins/thumb.gif -Marc
  12. Holy Shit that is some funny shit!!! -Marc
  13. Plus one on OSU, but I have no idea how to get tickets. -Marc
  14. Something tells me you wont need the bottle...hell, you could probably unplug a few spark plugs and still win with what I have heard about those Jackson Super chargers. -Marc
  15. AngryBMW


    Wow, that was posted a long time ago, and is still fucking nasty. -Marc
  16. AngryBMW

    Pron titles

    Nope. It's all in retaliation -Marc
  17. Brandon, it's simple supply and demand...ill draw you a graph the next time you are over. -Marc
  18. AngryBMW

    Pron titles

    Anyone else think it's ironic that Brandon, one of the worst spellers I have ever met is hating someone else for spelling? And not spelling a word correctly in his own insult?? graemlins/slap.gif -Marc
  19. Guys, quit the graemlins/leghump.gif She's mine right mike? tongue.gif -Marc
  20. BWAHAHAHA!!! Ben, Jon said he wants you to give him his spankings... -Marc
  21. Isnt that what Mark was getting at? -Marc
  22. Dibs on the wilson clubs and bag. Will you take 175? -Marc
  23. AngryBMW


    Damn, were you sitting there hitting the refresh button waiting for me to respond?? Dont you have high school in the morning? -Marc
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