Look, allow me to make it clear, I do not give too shits about what people on this board or people in general think about me. At least 1/2 of the people on here are douchebag's or worse, so what the hell do I care if I'm considered a douchebag? Simple, I don't. If anyone has some kind of real issue with me, it's real simple, step up to the plate, face to face, and say it too me. The more and more any of you continue to rant about me or mutter words under your breath, the more and more your wasting your own time. I actually find it quite amuzing to sit and read all the words any of you say about me. It's like reading a soap opera involving me as the star of the writing, not to mention the butt of peoples jokes. So, for those of you who choose to continue running your mouths and wasting your time, I'll be sitting back, laughing my ass off.