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Everything posted by civicboy375

  1. this is very true. still, $450 for a 02 GT with 10k on it....sounds to me like it'd be a good possibility to make some $ or who knows, if you find a really nice car, keep it
  2. I've been comtemplating purchasing a car with the intent to turn around and sell it for a profit, more a less a potential hobby. Thanks for the info. How many miles did that 88 Maxima have on it when you bought it?
  3. What about those who have glasses and think your hot? I have glasses and think your hot. :-P
  4. graemlins/eek2.gif Holy googoly moogoly! I'm at a loss for words.
  5. graemlins/leghump.giftongue.gif , just kidding, welcome to CR.
  6. +1, very well could have been, but again, what pissed me off was the fact that I couldn't tell if it was pen/marker or just someone taking there finger and writing it on there......still doesn't explain the rear views being fucked with though...
  7. Allow me to clarify what I said. I have a good idea of who may have done this, however, I have no proof. Without proof, nothing can be done, hence my frustration and post (rant). The only word I could make out was "please" and the rest was unreadable. It looked like more than just writing something on a car with their finger. It looked like someone took a permant marker or pen to it, which was why I was pissed and decided to rant about it.
  8. So, I get up this morning figuring it a usual Monday and get ready for class. As I get into my car to leave, I happen to notice that some little prick has written something (couldn't make out exactly what it said) on my car and pushed down both of the rear view mirrors. As I begin to become concerned that the writing may be permanant, I immediately go wash my car and fix the mirrors. Thankfully, the writing was not permanant. In any case, this is just one example of what's wrong with this world today. Stupid fucking ignorant pussies who don't have the balls to face a person face to face, feel that they have to do things such as this. graemlins/doh.gif What's really ignorant, is the person who did this thinks I don't know who they are. In actuality, I do know who they are, and as I've said may times to them graemlins/finger.gif , they continue to be a pussy graemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gifgraemlins/doh.gif Sometimes I swear I want to smack the person who said ignorance was bliss.
  9. That's unfortunately correct graemlins/bsflag.gif , which just makes life for those of us who live in Gahanna suck even worse than it should. graemlins/doh.gif
  10. Agreed, but also consider getting a bj when you first get up in the morning tongue.gif
  11. I really like the car, and really wish that you'd have been in the selling market 30 days ago or so, cause I would've snatched that up in a hot second. But, in any case, good luck man, I'm sure you'll find a buyer.
  12. +1, still hot though graemlins/leghump.gif
  13. Nice house man. Be careful though, my parents have an MI home, 5 years old, and already shit is starting to fall apart. That seems to happen alot to people in there neighborhood, but congrats none the less.
  14. Thanks for the advice, that option is being explored!
  15. Josh, even though I am a noob, I am not going to change what I said, since that's how I feel about the whole situation. If your going to "talk shit" about someone, don't act like your still in high school, step up and be man, that's all I'm saying. tongue.gif
  16. That's exactly what I have said already. For those of you who talk shit, please be a man/woman and step up, otherwise your wasting your time, there time and are just acting immature. This is a car club website, meant for car club use only. Go back to high school if you want to act that way and get the fuck outta here.
  17. Go away and don't come back.
  18. You know my number, you know where I am, simple, just bring it!
  19. BTW, I know who you are GREG....just so you know and also, the comments you made previous in my opinion are bannable, and I hope that's looked into. Otherwise, have a nice day!
  20. Look, real simple, if you have a problem with me, I already stated previously how to handle it. It is a waste of time for you to make threats online, not to mention banable by CR. In any case, if you have a problem you know what to do, otherwise, go away and quit wasting my time.
  21. Yeah, you know we've called each other names a hundred times worse than that, so, therefore, this petty shit doesn't bother me. And for the record, I'm not calling anyone out at all, I'm making a statement. Anyone who has a problem with me, say something to me, face to face, otherwise, I wouldn't waste your time running your mouth. Sure, I'm a leg humping duechbag graemlins/leghump.gif wtf do I care? Obviously I don't care and I'm tired of wasting my time. I'm now going to sit back a enjoy the show! graemlins/popcorn.gif
  22. Look, allow me to make it clear, I do not give too shits about what people on this board or people in general think about me. At least 1/2 of the people on here are douchebag's or worse, so what the hell do I care if I'm considered a douchebag? Simple, I don't. If anyone has some kind of real issue with me, it's real simple, step up to the plate, face to face, and say it too me. The more and more any of you continue to rant about me or mutter words under your breath, the more and more your wasting your own time. I actually find it quite amuzing to sit and read all the words any of you say about me. It's like reading a soap opera involving me as the star of the writing, not to mention the butt of peoples jokes. So, for those of you who choose to continue running your mouths and wasting your time, I'll be sitting back, laughing my ass off.
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