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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. Jim Head of Head Racing just bought this super kit car. I have never seen nothing like it before in my life! I will have some real live pictures up for everyone soon to se. Its a twin turbo ford v6 that makes 370hp but the best thing is its only 2150 lbs. Take a look and tell me what you all think. http://www.kitcarmag.com/featuredvehicles/142_0405_noble/ Dan
  2. Yes sir it is. And it will pull a ski'er or tuber. Dan
  3. Sure sam I will get some up by this weekend k? Later, Dan
  4. We have a nice low hrs. 1997 SeaDooXP 750 for sale w/trailer. We have only used it for 1 summer,its clean no damage. Need to sell asap! $2000 cash Pm me for more info, Daniel Weaver
  5. Ok I saw an RC51 1000R today....well heard it commin up beside me and I was like OMFG that bike sounds freakin awesome!!! Anyone know about these? Are they worth buying? Dan
  6. well, they must have put straps next to the hot exhaust, its what the vid says, but a close one none the less heh! Dan
  7. http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=F7E28C73-B479-4E01-80A7-84DD5976EF03&p=0 Its almost made me sick to watch... Later, Dan
  8. Check out this site, it may have been posted before but its fights galore http://www.fightvids.net/ Dan
  9. WOW!......thats a steal, bet this goes quick! Dan
  10. Well I have looked at a couple bikes this weekend and from what I think so far the Honda VFR 800 seems to be the way to go! Its a sweet ride, single swingarm the power from the looks, so far is what im lookin for, plus when I sat on it....it felt like a cruzer for sure. So thanks for everyones input Dan
  11. Sorry just come over with some cash ill make it cheap for ya PM.....Meh Dan
  12. Here is a vid of one fast frekin talon OH MY! http://www.shepracing.com/videos/8.55@176.9.mpeg Daniel
  13. It makes me sick to see someone do that in front of there kids, being an ex married guy, with 2 children of my own. What a bunch of crack heads to do such a thing.... Daniel
  14. I bought this project 4cyl car to replace drivetrain with much better things. So I need to just move it all together if possible, pm me with offers.. Thanks, Daniel
  15. Guy's I have a clean average milage 91 mustang 2.3 4cyl and 5 speed drivetrain I need to sell quickly, its still in the car, so you can hear it run. Someone please make me an offer will sell seprate or together. It has a new clutch and flywheel also installed. Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  16. Cols racing, I have always wanted a nice street bike, and have some exp. riding, what would be a good platform to buy from? Im interested in something kind of fast, sleek and nice to ride. Does anyone think that these choices are any good? I am 6 foot 2 about 255lbs so im thinking a 600 would be to small? 1. 1995-2005 Honda VFR 750-800. 2. Suzuki TL1000R (becuase I like the sound and tourque). 3. Triumph Daytona 995i. 4. Honda Superhawk 1000. 5. Yamaha R1 about 2000-2002. Im trying not to spend over 10k on this bike and also from time to time put my GF. on the back. Any input or advice on these bikes, for me I would love to hear everyone's comments! Thanks, Daniel Weaver
  17. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4561011481&category=49990&rd=1 W.....O.....W......! Like I got that much money lying around LOL Daniel
  18. Hell, If anyone wants to go to a sweet lan party every year in june in KY there is www.millionmanlan.com wich I attended, and lets say if you want to get some files over 1000TB of files then this place is for you, my 250gig hd is now almost full from MP3's movies etc. Check it out! Later, Dan
  19. Driveline-1 on frank rd. great prices and top notch work Dan
  20. Your the retartds that need to grow up and just leave my thread alone! Just say wow man its cool, and just leave it alone for fuck sake, just give it up JESUS! Dan
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