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Everything posted by ChevyMan1972

  1. What happend to him? Just wondering??? Dan
  2. 2 bad GM put a HULT on that project because of money problems.... Nice concept though! Dan
  3. That is a well made vid and im glad that I went to that race. I had an awesome time, seeing Corey win and other sweet shit. It was a shame that shep did break his stuff but as his vid stated, if your not breakin parts your not going fast enough.... Dan
  4. I will give 400 for it J/K Anth..... Dan
  5. Is this still for sale or did Anthony buy it??? Dan
  6. I think that that was a world record for the most "dry hop's"...... Stupid people! Dan
  7. I wasnt that impressed nice kit though.... Dan
  8. Here is more on this car. There are a couple vids you can look at in the middle of the page. As you read on you will see that in the vids they have set back the boost to 7psi for street driving and when the 1200 hp dyno pulls were made were at 20-22 psi. http://www.montygwilliams.com/ I couldn't emagine it at that settings, those rear street tires would not even have a cance!! LOL!! Also if you read on throughout the website you will see its well made, even including prices on everything that was made with that car. I sure would like to know what he does for a living!!! Later, Dan
  9. I was doing a google search on "turbos" and ran accross this its one hell of a sleeper whoa!!! http://www.lateral-g.net/williams/ Dan
  10. Fellas and Ladies, Give us a call. 614-542-0775 We are hiring 1. Crane Operators 2. Chippers, grinders, welders, for cast steel rail road castings 3. Mold finnishers 4. Machinest 5. Chainmen 6. And other specialty jobs. Give us a call, we have compeditive pay, profit and sharing 401k, dental, 3 shifts etc. Thanks, Daniel Weaver Foundry Engineer Columbus Steel Castings
  11. It wasn't staged. I have seen that hole vid and the caption at the end says he later went back to buy the car after the test drive was concluded. Dan
  12. This is a nice bike! Good sale for someone... Dan
  13. ChevyMan1972


    I loved it....anyone else?.....Discuss Dan
  14. GLENN..................!GLENN..!GLENN..!GLENN!!!!!!!!!!! Iv got 100 bucks on Glenn!.......anyone else? Dan
  15. http://videos.streetfire.net/Player.aspx?fileid=0B59CCCA-1F9D-42C5-930E-AE2F9AE359C1&p=1 May be a repost but I had to do it again!!! LOL!! Dan
  16. I prob know Glenn better than anyone on this site, and I know this for a fact because I have caught him in the act that he swings both ways.......ramble on now glenn!! Dan
  17. I dont know but I sure would like to have the calloway c6 myself OMG! Dan
  18. WOW just blows.......enough said!! Dan
  19. Send her to KFC for 1 week and Ill hit it!
  20. Nice price for that car someone should pick this up! Dan
  21. Take a look at her new video, Can she get any more good lookin? http://www.mp3.com/media_player/2655/4/viewer.php Damn........ Dan
  22. http://www.columbusdsm.com/videos/Corey_9.99@149.mpg There ya go enjoy peps!! Dan
  23. Here it is, Here is a vid from the Nopi world finals. Listen to the way this car launches.. http://etaserver.com/jamesk/norwalk/BrentRau6.97.wmv\ Dan
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