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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. uhm... if you have a post per day like mine?
  2. uhm... if you have a post per day like mine?
  3. Bullshit. If he was making a point, then he wouldn't be a prick about it and post those homosexual ass smilies. He honestly believes that comparing murder and smoking pot is a valid argument. I still can't understand how smoking marijuana is immoral, but drinking is not...
  4. Rotary AE86? graemlins/nonono.gif
  5. This is the link that AL Gore used to test the internet when he first invented it.
  6. ... Did you seriously just compare MURDER and Smoking Marijuana?! 1. Murder is one person Killing another, maliciously. Again, that is one person Harming another, and in this case, mortally 2. Smoking marijuana (in 99.9999% of cases), last time I checked, does NOT invlove One person Harming another, and literally NEVER on purpose, unless they are drug dealers. Which, incidentally, would be reduced drastically if marijuana was legalized. Give up, man. I'm pretty sure that your back is against the wall when you compare a first Degree felony to a fourth degree misdemeanor. I know it's crushing to you that you can't prove a valid point (since debating, masturbating, posting unfunny videos on the internet, and learning dead languages seems to be all that you do with your life), but seriously... Take some riddlin, turn on some spongebob, and relax a little.
  7. Also, Mowgli, how do you define "addiction?" Judging by "society's" definition, as in can't get through a day without it or they become extremely touchy, disoriented, etc, then I doubt I've met more than two or three people addicted to pot in my life... and I go to OU.
  8. I posted what Jesse said above, but obviously nobody read it, since it was so long. Thanks for making a pretty solid cliff's notes version, Jess. graemlins/thumb.gif
  9. How am I no longer on that list, not that it really matters to me? I posted an intelligent, eloquent response about my opinion. Sorry if you disagree with me, not much I can do about that. Side note, 72/hr? Sign me up, seriously. I'd quit smoking period for that kind of money. Is it programming, or what? I'm worried that my degree in Plant Biology isn't going to leave me a whole lot of options once I'm through with college (and I certainly don't consider growing and selling marijuana an option, so don't make any god damned jokes about plant biology, I hear it enough already), so I'm kindof looking for other options. You told me once before that I need a certification in C#, but how long does that take/are there any websites that would have basic info for me that you could recommend?
  10. Desperado proves once again that he's a fucking retard. "I killed her, but i didn't mean to... I was only trying to put a bullet through her car, while she was driving it innocently down the highway". Jesus christ, I hope that you don't have any children. An analogy that you might be able to understand, Keith: The miliary is doing some routine paratrooper and supply-drop exercises near your "farm". One of the pilots flies slightly of course, and drifts over a piece of your land. He thinks that he is in the right spot, so he releases an extremely heavy box filled with"supplies", which have been replaced with rocks for the exercise. Much to your luck/dismay, the multi-ton box falls right on top of your outhouse just as you walk out the door, crushing it into oblivion. Accident? Yup. Unfortunate? Definitely. Are you going to pay for it? Nope. Who is? the person who did it. Just because something is an accident doesn't mean that they don't have to pay for it.
  11. If you kill an innocent person, then regardless of mental health, you should be punished in the severest way possible. I'm torn on capital punishment; sometimes I think it's a good idea and sometimes I don't. However, if someone is found guilty and sentenced to death, then they should be allowed to live for no more than another month or two. Fuck this "I'm going to appeal so that I can live longer bullshit"; if you're a convicted killer, then I'm sure as hell not going to pay for three warm meals a day and a roof over your head. If they so have to wait, keep those shits in a giant fenced in pen outside, and let them fight for their food. You think that you have the right to kill people? Then you most definitely have the right to be killed.
  12. No one can argue with this statement, as it's totally true... Unless Mowgli is REALLY uncoordinated.
  13. Morality should have absolutely nothing to do with it, since every single person in this great country of ours has different moral values. That's really the whole fucking reason those people with the funny hats and buckles on their shoes made the trip over here in the first place, remember? The last time we tried to ban something for "moral reasons", it required a constitutional amendment some ten or so years later when the government realized that prohibiting things based upon the people in power's moral values was unconstitutional.
  14. Disclaimer: Sorry for the typos, this is my longest post ever. It's long, but I'd say that it's worth reading. Mowgli, for saying that you want everyone on this board to do well, you're being a pretty big jackass. I say that with love. You need to stop taking cheap shots at whatever stereotype you've got imbedded in that pot-free brain of yours. I doubt there is a person on here who smokes a bag a day, and I havent seen anyone in this thread state that they know someone who was important as the king of the world (yeah, I got the sarcasm, but it's still a pretty shitty way of getting your point across). What you need to get through your head is that in the end it has nothing to do with marijuana when you talk about anyone being successful or unsuccessful that smokes the stuff. If you have the drive, the intelligence, and the balls to become successful, then you will whether or not you smoke bud or not. Potheads are people that let marijuana totally take over every aspect of their life, such as relationships, work, school, hobbies, etc. I'm sure that there are thousands of people out there who smoke every day that aren't potheads, because they get their shit taken care of every day and don't let smoking affect their lives too much. Now, on that note, you, the "Potheads" that we'e discussing, and myself, probably all have different ideas of what we call "successful". To some, being successful is having a family to love, a solid, reliable job, and enough money to take your family out to eat once a week or every two weeks. To you, being Successful might be making 80k+, driving a very nice car, several motorcycles (One of which, the 750, I should definitely steal/borrow for an extended period of time ) and living in a nice house somewhere with a decent bit of property and a beautiful wife. (I want you to know that I'm making generalized statements here, and not trying to attack you or anything.) What sucks about arguments like these is that everyone opinion differs based on their backgrounds, social experiences, life experiences, etc, So that it's extremely hard to find a common ground. Of course nobody is going to make someone else who has grown up in a totally different environment with a totally different set of moral values understand their position to the point of concession, that's just not human nature. You believe what you believe, and I believe what I believe. As far as not posting job offers on CR anymore, why? Because a few people smoke pot? I think it's very close-minded of you to think that someobody would not be able to do a job correctly/as well as someone else because they occasionally indulge in Marijuana. If I was qualified to answer any of the job offers that you've posted, I would jump at them in a heartbeat and prove to you that just because someone smokes pot doesn't mean that they are any less capable of completing difficult tasks. It's rediculous that Alchoholics get hired all the time for high-paying, highly secure jobs, and that people who occasionally smoke pot are rejected based solely on the fact that our government has almost no way to control the growth and distribution of marijuana, so it's illegal. You can't outlaw one thing while turning a blind eye to another, just because it makes the government a hell of alot of money. I seriously think that you guys should look at some figures dealing with alchohol and tobacco related deaths over the past ten years, and then look at the number of deatsh related to marijuana. You'd be surprised at just how icnredible the difference is. However, I doubt that you'd really believe any of the reports or take them at face value, because you'll probably just make the excuse that "well, if MJ were legalized, then more people would die from it", which is pretty ridiculous, considering more people smoke down here in Athens than drink. Another point that I'd like to bring up is the fact that alchohol makes people Angry, Violent, and Horny, whilst Marijuana makes people relaxed, happy, and hungry. Which would you rather have at a work-related social function; someone who gets too drunk off of the punch, says something innapropriate to a female coworker, and gets in a fight with someone from another department that they dont like, or someone who seems quiet, relaxed, and happy? Something like 70 percent of rapists in Ohio last year were under the influence of alchohol last year, and I would be willing to bet money that less than five percent were under the influence of Marijuana. Achohol has been proven to influence and lead to violent and sexual crimes, while Marijuana certainly hasn't. So, why is Marijuana still illegal, while You can buy 40 oz. of 9% alchohol in nearly every major gas station in the country for under a dollar?
  15. WHen I secure a job in athens for next year and get a fucking job over the summer... any suggestions?
  16. And secondly, do you have any idea how legally fucked someone would be if they Named an extremely successful businessman as a pothead on a public web forum? You're smart, use yo' head. Side note: Your car is beautiful in person, I think I saw you the other day.
  17. And Mowgs, you're talking about potheads like everyone who smokes pot is a pothead. I consider a pothead to be the equivalent of an alchoholic, so of course there aren't going to be any business leaders that smoke as much as alchoholics drink.
  18. Well, since the almighty Mowgli hasn't met one in his seventy five years on the planet, then that obviously means that they don't exist. Were you in dublin on monday in the V?
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