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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Marc has finally accomplished something for the board. Good job, buddy. graemlins/thumb.gif
  2. I haven't seen anyone get owned this consistantly and frequently in the entirety of my two year membership on CR.
  3. Woah, hold on. We need to give her the CR stamp of approval before she's allowed to wear shit like that, we don't want another Bald guy / Fat chick incident. (not that I don't trust your judgement)
  4. There isn't even anything to say to this.
  5. Brandon, I challenge you to an arm wrestling contest.
  6. .... Are you serious? Let's break this down, shall we? I've been insulted by someone, and they have challenged me to insult them back. I can A) Insult them based on their flaws (which is what you stated I always do), or B) Make shit up. Survey says that 9 out of ten people who are not affected by down syndrome would go with choice A. Congratulations, You're a douchebag! On a different note, typing that large reply earlier took me MAYBE five minutes. What's this shit about not having alot of time for girls? My girlfriend would disagree.... But what would I know, you're the guy who likes to dress up like a clown and fuck some ugly fat girl. Juggalos fo lyf, yo!! I'm seriously disappointed that I couldn't pull any worthwhile shit talking out of any of you, let alone a glimmer of intelligence.
  7. So, in essence, the only thing you responded to (and poorly, at that) was a pretty creative insult directed at Dave forced by your childish rules that didn't allow me to post any of the specified words. Then you attacked a sister that I don't even have. Sad? Yup. Unexpected? Not really. When will you learn to give up?
  8. As for you, Blimp Bait, I think your admission to having standards low enough for the ogre queen is enough to prohibit you from further posting any "owned" messages in this thread.
  9. Why the fuck are you here? The only time I've ever met you at a meet, people were avoiding your ass like girls avoid that pathetically tiny penis of yours. The day that you decide to shut the fuck up and leave everyone (and I mean everyone, not just on this messageboard) alone simply can't come fast enough.
  10. ...Wow. You're calling me unoriginal, yet I get called a "cock sucking little faggot"? I haven't met you, but I've seen a picture of your bulbous ass, and all I have to say to you is that I've heard there are amazing new surgeries out there that can take care of those stretchmarks you've got going. All I can get is fat chicks? I beg to differ. I'm not going to toot my own horn or anything like that, beause you and I have already had this discussion in another thread that you never responded to, because you got owned. Hard. If anyone has any questions about the girls that I assosciate with, ask Marc or Morgan for reference. You told me that I had to be original and gave me a list of words (Ironically, every single one of them describes you perfectly), and I'm STILL managing to erode whatever shreds of self-esteem you have left. Before you make a nother reply saying you don't care what anyone on here thinks and how it doesn't bother you at all... realize that we all know both of those statements to be false. I used to be fat, and I know what it's like to get called overweight repeatedly. You can put up a brave face if you'd like, but at the very least I know how much this shit pisses you off. Also, if you didn't care as much as you say you don't, then i wouldn't have to keep making you look like the rotund fool that you are. Stop posting, and this shit will stop too. I'll end this with a piece of advice for you to ponder over while you try and console yourself with a tub of Ben&Jerry's and Bridget Jones' Diary: If you don't want people to call you fat, then lose weight. If you don't want people to call you a whore, then stop fucking. If you don't want people to call you a fool, then stop talking. Have a great fucking day, and remember... Why must you hurt your couch like that? What did it ever do to you?
  11. I might be home in a few weeks, we'll have to do it up at the Sawmill Applebees so I can see all you Cockbagels.
  12. I guess fat girls need lovin' too, but I thought that's why they invented Vibrators....
  13. "press this button to turn off the engine"
  14. So if you were dying an extremely slow and painful certain death, you wouldn't want someone to end it for you quickly and painlessly? Well, Nevermind, You DO live in Cleveland...
  15. Interested in an oval shaped, 8 person table. Preferably with four legs, but one large rectangle base will be fine if it's cheaper. I'm going to need felt and the liner and all that shit too. PM me with a price, man.
  18. Periods and grammar are fun!!
  19. Periods and grammar are fun!!
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