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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Bush is president, Kerry is married to an heiress. Bit of a difference.
  2. I'll be in Medina, I'm leaving directly from work...
  3. That's fucking awesome.
  4. Bullshit I've called for it.
  5. Dude no one cares about you that much, you're just a goofy douchebag.
  6. Ohhhhh wow. I can't believe no one has gotten that yet... That's fucking hilarious. Jack, post of the year.
  7. Fuck you Adam, and get the fuck off of your high horse. Desperado repeatedly makes himself look like a huge tool, and in every single thread he always has some huge apology post where he admits to being a dick. I mean, I guess that's kindof better than when he used to pretend that he was the mastermind behind everyone on CR's misery and shortcomings every other day... But if he has to apologize so many times, than none of those apologies mean shit. Also, I didn't know that we had another fucking psychiatrist on the board. I love how you attack me by psychoanalyzing my statements... I'll believe it when I see some certification. I like how you are reccommending a ban because of shit that happened during the Moderator nazi period of CR. What the fuck does it matter to you that this guy gets banned? Do you get a snack or a gift certificate? Grow the fuck up. You would have done the same thing in his position, unless you're a huge pussy...
  8. Actually back in Columbus and had a day off of work... Thank god I did, or otherwise I wouldn't have found out about this as soon as I did.
  9. Just because my riding clothes are color coordinated....
  10. That's because you're a ricer.
  11. ... If you like body hair. graemlins/puke.gif
  12. Admins, please give this guy a break before he gets a temp ban for the fists thing, he's new and deserves a warning. Fuck Desperado, he's a prick. Don't let him get to you, he's just pissed because most everyone hates him on here. It isn't anywhere CLOSE to his board, and I can promise you that alot of people on here respect you for the work you do and knowledge you possess about the engines you build. Personally, it's refreshing to see a purpose built Cavalier that is devoid of any and all of the things that Desperate Homo mentioned. Keep up the good work, and dont let the queen of Douchebags get to you.
  13. Cody shut up, you're gay... a cash game where the buy in min and max are $980.00 apart? I ate your chips, btw. Ok damnit, We're having this at Tommy's warehouse if it's in a reasonable location. Buy in is thirty dollars, and you may rebuy within the first hour. The minimum necessary participants for this thing is twenty people, and We're going to have a fucking sign up sheet if we have to. If you skip this tourney and you've registered for it, then you should still owe the money to the pot unless you give 48 hours notice. Game is Texas Hold'em, No limit. You must offer a cut to the person to the right of you every hand. Depending on how many people sign up for this thing, we will have to adjust payout accordingly. What dates are good for you guys? Throw those out.
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/cricket/other_international/sri_lanka/4028323.stm I can finally sleep again.
  15. Seen it, it's a nice car... Worth the money. Josh is a douchebag.
  16. Good luck man, stay safe. Any way you can get us an address to send you a Cr care package or some shit?
  17. Yeah, The Pathfinder might see some offroad duties if I get bored. Anyone have any info on how durable these are off the beaten path?
  18. Nowhere near enough motorcycle buyage in this thread... Bump.
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