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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Heartless. Makes you appreciate your circumstances alot more, doesn't it.
  2. It's still a hate crime when Gay people hate on straight people... Can someone get this man a three day?
  3. Buy it now of 7,700? No?
  4. I do. PM with yo address, fool. smile.gif
  5. Shouyldnt get the death penalty unless they have hard evidence. All they have is circumstancial.
  6. .... You're 4 and a half feet tall.
  7. .... You're 4 and a half feet tall.
  8. Ana Puala Mancino is going to be Ana Paula Paton REAL soon....
  9. Long story short, I have a baseball sized hole in my wall that I need fixed before friday. Does anyone know how to do/can do this for me? I really appreciate the help.
  10. I just sold my bike, but im interested in this one... Does that make me stupid?
  11. I think this might be the midget kid with the white trans am.. You know, the one with the double decker rx-7 FD style wing thing going on? lol what a douche.
  12. I think this might be the midget kid with the white trans am.. You know, the one with the double decker rx-7 FD style wing thing going on? lol what a douche.
  13. I would NEVER let you take care of a dog....
  14. holy fuck, is this the midget kid?!?!!?
  15. Hey no shit? He meant that it would cost 1,000 times less.
  16. I have honestly had sooo many mexicans in firebirds drive through red lights on my green and almost kill me, it's absofuckinglutely rediculous.
  17. might want to fix that link, mike. Good looking website though.
  18. ... The trucks were abandoned, and I imagine were returned unharmed. Wartime law in another country and peacetime law here are (should be) two totally different things.
  19. ... Brandon, dont be a prick to this guy, he hasnt done anything wrong. Race cars break ALOT.
  20. who did they beat and what was the score?
  21. I just saw on the news that more soldiers have been arrest for... Using abandoned trucks in the middle east to deliver gas to other troops, because they were not provided with proper equipment to do so. Let's break this down: 1. Troops are given an objective. 2. troops are not provided with the means to reach aforementioned objective by their commanding officers/government. 3. Troops decide to use the resourcefullness that god gave them and that their commanding officers have trained into them. Troops accomplish objective, presumably without extensive damage to equipment or fellow soldiers. 4. ten years ago, troops would have recieved an award for their resourcefullness. 5. Now, what with today's extremely fucked up governmental structure and the fact that everyone in the world has a really sweaty vagina, the troops are sent to jail for SIX MONTHS. Why in the fuck would anyone want to join the military? "Sure, we want you to risk your lives for us, but if you fuck up at ALL, you have no rights and will be sent to jail for all of your troubles... Sorry, but we have to please the people who are trying to kill us." Fuck that shit.
  22. there needs to be a screening process for people who are interested in purchasing rare cars, with regular inspections of the vehicles they purchase. Shit like that would be siezed and sold for cheap to shops that know what to do with them.
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