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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Devils Advocate


    Wow, you're way off. I dont even REMEMBER calling you about a ride to cosmo's, and if I did, it was once. If I wanted a ride in it, it was because it has four wheels and a motor, not because it's anything approaching a fast car. I don't have a girlfriend, I'm single as hell, and wouldn't have it any other way. If you have any questions about the girls I get, feel free to ask Morgan. He knows. I wouldn't be talking shit about girls with the one you have... I know that you can't really get rid of her now, since she has your penis in a box, buried in the backyard and all, but damn man... Standards. Pubic hair? Come on now, I have more chest hair than a gorilla. If you're going to try and flame someone, do some friggin research, Ricer. tongue.gif
  2. Edit http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=24;t=000489 [ 24. August 2004, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  3. Edit http://www.columbusracing.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=24;t=000489 [ 24. August 2004, 08:42 PM: Message edited by: Mr. 2 ]
  4. Devils Advocate


    Yeah, Brian is a huge tool. Fuck that peice of shit ricer wagon that he drives. I could've spent 8 thousand dollars better by putting it in a bag, shitting on it, and then lighting it on fire. graemlins/nonono.gif
  5. I want to have sex with those. Bump.
  6. I'd like to see your 900 hp, 1200 lb car get traction, too. Especially with your FWD.... Good plan.
  7. ...Actually, I'm 18, and I bought it myself, like I said above. You may be older, but you're obviously illiterate. Whenever you decide to stop pretending to be an internet hardass from dublin, let me know, and I'll smoke your ugly ass pile of shit, with a hot-ass girl on the back of my bike.
  8. Oh shit, we have ourselves an E-thug. You're four years older than I am? :shudder:... What a badass. My E-penis is bigger than your E-penis. ... I bought myself my motorcycle. Race in the spring?
  9. Buy gear. After seeing my friend pull a wheelie over backwards while wearing a jacket, and him still getting roadrash up his arm, I will NEVER ride without full gear, ever.
  10. Hey marc... phone conversation.
  11. I've owned some people pretty hard and you know it. It'd be easier to talk shit to this ugly cocksucker, but he never gives me any decent material to work with.
  12. Looks like this kiw83 guy has a huge cock in his ass, and has no friends. He has an 89 civic DX and is talking shit to Brian, who NEVER talks shit about his car, EVER. Go fuck yourself, kid.
  13. does he repair motorcycles?
  14. I totally agree with everything Ben said. Everything.
  15. You haven't put forth a single quality insult in this entire post. Whenever you can do that, I'll defend myself. Until then, have fun finding pictures.
  16. What? She's my ex, we've been broken up for 6 or 7 months.
  17. You're right, my girlfriend of a year and a half doesn't count. Keep 'em comin, faigley. Weaksauce.
  18. Owned. I'm not sure you want a competition with me... Seriously.
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