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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Well, at least now we know how you got the S4.
  2. Jesse, you just don't have a soul, that's all.
  3. I-O. You know the rebels are Michigan fans.
  4. graemlins/eek2.gif No fucking way.
  5. Yeah.... But will you bring the chips and soda to our next meeting? It's at three in the afternoon so Bobby can be home in time.
  6. Really? I have a rocket ship. It run's 4's. True Story. I put My crew's (outta dis world, yo) stickers all over it, too.
  7. I guess you win, since you used more eye rolling smilies than I did.
  8. best post in the history of deh intarwabb
  9. No. Kenny called him that and des flipped out.
  10. Dont Camaro SS's run like low 13's high 12's stock?
  11. Nothing Illegal has been said. He posted an opinion. The law can not prosecute him for saying "I would never take my shit there". If he would have said "Creative Custom choopers rapes children and kills puppies for fun", then he could be prosecuted. It's a good thing that you know what you're talking about, though. However... I have heard nothing but good things about CCC. graemlins/thumb.gif
  13. Isn't that the guy with the 350z or something?
  14. I'll take your almost total evasion of every single one of my statements as an admittance of my victory.
  15. Devils Advocate


    How easy is it to put the 300z motor in this car?
  16. Devils Advocate


    How easy is it to put the 300z motor in this car?
  17. Can I add money to that Pot? Ill throw in fitty.
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