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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Devils Advocate

    damn haters

  2. Neither a moped nor a vespa will even approach speeds of 150 mph, nor do they have nearly the amount of power that a 600 has to entice females. Do you think girls give a damn about engine size when it comes to two wheeled machines? Nope. Don't try to lie to all of us about your fat chick escapades. While 125 lbs is my limit, I'm sure that your standards are much lower, given your appearance and personality (or lack thereof). When you come through with some conclusive evidence, I'll let this topic slide. Dressing up like girls, eh? I'll be sure to plan a "fuck a sigep's girlfriend" night this year, just for you. The only problem will be raising enough money to buy all of the beer it will take the Pikes to get drunk enough to even begin talking any any of the skanked out crackwhores that would have sex with the sigeps. The ball is in your court, Sweetcakes. In fact, I'll even throw you an extra one. You'll need it. Off Topic: Best flame thread yet?
  3. You know there is something wrong with your shop when you have both a hyundai tiburon project car and a mercedes CLK project car.
  4. Wow... Just.... Wow. I swear some people from CR wrote those.... tongue.gif
  5. Devils Advocate

    damn haters

    I made an entire thread juust for ICP fans. I think youre scared.
  6. Eminem is an extremely wealthy and successful celebrity. The majority of people in this country Hate ICP, and they still live with their parents. Why the hell do you all have to call yourselves a name because you like the band? I like Dave matthews, but I dont have a nickname for it. Get an Identity. Also, mods? I believe that was a personal threat. Three day?
  7. Several things wrong here. Targa top? Please. If you ever find the balls to ride any kind of motorcycle, you ancient, loafer wearing, receding hairline pansy, you'll understand why there is a difference between "targa top ( graemlins/gay.gif ) and a motorcycle. This summer in ohio has seen at least thirty or fourty ride-worthy days, which is alot more than "five or six"... and I know you never embellish anything. I ride an old Six because I'm a poor, soon-to-be college student, and this is my first bike. Would I have loved to have had the skills and money to purchase a new liter?" Of course. But I wanted to find something that was both cost effective and a bike to learn on that wouldn't kill me. My bike satisfies both conditions. Lastly, I don't need a vehicle to get bitches. Just ask Morgan or Rigsby about that one. I know you might come back at that one with "well in Sigep we hired some male strippers that LOOKED like girls..." but please spare us your homo-erotic stories so we can all sleep tonight. Thanks.
  8. The only requirement are the people, so lets agree on a day. Required people: Benjamin, Michael, Jessie, Mark, Marc, Me, Berto, and maybe Doug if he's in town. Also, Brian needs to come and sit at a seperate table. What days are good for you guys?
  9. really short, or really tall. Have to have some substance to em, none of this "I have to go to the bathroom" right after she eats bullshit. The most attractive thing a woman can do is make me laugh, honestly. A girl I can hold a conversation with that isnt gorgeous is ten times hotter than a girl thats beautiful and stupid. Boobs really aren't that important to me, but beestings are unnacceptable. Eyes and ass are the first two things that I notice, Eyes should make me want to look at them all the time, and the ass should be grabbable. I always date brunettes, and fool around with blondes. Always have, probably always will. and wickedpyroclown, it's called standards, man, Get some. I guess that's kindof hard to do when you Idolize two thirty-something virgins who paint their faces, wear multicolored jersies of no particular real sports team, and get punked repeatedly by eminem. Thanks for comin' out.
  10. Get a fucking personality, you face painting, white boy, white trash, lonely, ugly, small penis having wanna-be-thugs. We all know that you're closet homosexuals, so it's ok to stop hiding yourself behind those horribly baggy jeans, ugly knock-off jerseys, and cheap, meijer bought, waterproof face paint. Unless, that you're wearing that shit to SHOW everyone that you're gay....
  11. Devils Advocate

    damn haters

    Wow. You people don't have enough sense of self that you have to wear "twisted" clown makeup and call yourself juggalos? God was definitely stoned when he handed out your personality assignments.
  12. Nick are you still having sex with 13 year olds?
  13. Devils Advocate


    Morgan shut up you get 2k a quarter from OSU because youre brown. You dont have a job, the fact that you arent poor isnt your doing. ... I love you, this is the flame room.
  14. IUs he trying to "rep the juggalos"? What the fuck?
  15. Devils Advocate


    Actually, he's poor because he's in college.
  16. Actually, my favorite movie of all time is the Royal Tenenbaums, which is a very cerebral movie. I totally understood every part of the Village, and I still thought the whole concept was terrible and poorly done. Thanks for trying to insult my intelligence for not liking the movie, though.
  17. Devils Advocate


    Actually, the phaeton, if you had seen it or been in it or ridden in it, is a cut above most audi's I've been in. It's understandable, though, given your appearance, that you havent been in a Phaeton. I wouldn't let you in a dealership.
  18. You love to ride the rocket, don't you. Fagmo.
  19. The whole theatre was laughing the entire movie, except one girl who kept trying to shush everyone. Then her boyfriend said "you mean you LIKE this fucking movie?" She got owned.
  20. He spelled muscle "mussel"... Jesus Christ.
  21. My only question is why the fuck Kevin R has posted 4 fucking times in one 12 post long thread? graemlins/slap.gif
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