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Devils Advocate

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Posts posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Half priced apps (and by that I mean boneless wings), Applebees, 9:30. Sawmill. Jesse, no more excuses. Ben, I'll pick you up if need be. Marc, "I'm working" doesn't count, because you get to stare at Amber's chest all day long.
  2. Des, It turns over, but it just wont start. I replaced the plugs, the air filter is clean, and it's got a full tank, but it wont start. I wish I could fix it myself, but I'm about to just have it towed to Classic cycles. I've had this thing torn apart more times than I could wish to count. I think, and the manual backs this up, that it's because the carbs need a full maintenance, and I have neither the tools nor the ability to perform this. Also, Classic gave me a helluva price (half off!) on this, so I think that's the route I'll take.
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