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Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Devils Advocate

  1. Omfg Hahahahahahahhahahahahhahah
  2. Well Im not driving to Toledo and it's past 6pm yesterday so it's still $60... which is $40 cheaper than what you'd pay for it at a store, without a game.
  3. Nah I need gas money and shit until payday.
  4. If you pick this up by 6 pm, it'll only be $50.
  5. How much will you pay me? I'm broke. PS: If anyone buys my xbox by 6 PM, I'll take 10$ off the asking price.
  6. Dublin to Mansfield might be the worst move in the history of ohio, besides anywhere to Youngstown or Toledo.
  7. Lets hang out soon, I need a ride in your hooptie.
  8. I miss my RX-7. Fuck you, luke.
  9. Coming from someone who is both and kinda a ninja at being one of them... DJ knows what he's talking about. <333333333333333333333
  10. Derrr, should I stop at this stopsign when theres a GIANT TRUCK CARRYING STEEL COMING THROUGH TEH INTERSECTION!? DERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Jesus effing christ. Women can't drive, for sureeeee. Anyone who says women and men are equally bad drivers are either sucking up or just plain ignorant. Women shouldn't be allowed to drive unless it's to the grocery store or my house to pleasure me orally.
  11. I'm going to go take a pee on the side of your house.
  12. Good condition, not from the first generation that were produced so it hasn't ever given me problems. Comes with one controller and a copy of Halo 1. I live in Bexley, you come pick it up or I miiiight meet you half way. $60.
  13. I look at this White House and I ask myself --and this may be unfair -- but I ask myself a lot of times, how did they get so many draft dodgers in one place? You know, the President; Dick Cheney, five deferments; John Ashcroft, six deferments. Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Tom DeLay, Dennis Hastert, Rush Limbaugh. There are a lot of people who dodged the draft during the Vietnam War, and I know a lot of them. Most of them did it because they had moral qualms about that war. But not these people. These people loved the war; they just wanted somebody else to fight it. And it occurs to me that the reason for that is that these are people who don't understand the values that make America worth fighting for. But America is worth fighting for, and it's worth dying for. Those of us who know that it's worth fighting for have to take it back now from those who don't. Thank you very much. Thats a pretty good one right there. This shit is scary.
  14. Learn how to cook, you'll always have a job and it's different then suit and tie and office work. Hours are pretty flexible, too.
  15. I live on bryden with my dad for the summer and it's the suck, but im only here till early sept. till i go back to school in Athens. Can I do it for a month? Im a chill guy.
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